Crunch MXB-4125 amp seems fine but produces no audio

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Once again I need to ask advice on what to do to get an amp working.

When applied power, this amp does not go into protect, power led lights up, does not draw excessive current but there is not output on speaker terminals.

What I have checked so far:
RCA plugs are good.
Audio is coming from my signal source.
Speaker and its wire are good.
Voltages on PS FETs: 3,7V; 10,7V; 0
Waveforms on PS FETs look good.
Voltages on output transistors: 0; (-)23V; 0
Voltages on opamps: (+/-)14V on power supply pins, no excessive voltage on inputs/outputs.
Voltages on 494:
01: 1,5
02: 4,11
03: 0,07
04: 0,01
05: 1,49
06: 3,67
07: 0
08: 10,7
09: 3,73
10: 3,73
11: 10,7
12: 10
13: 5,01
14: 5,01
15: 5,01
16: 0

Once I had a Ground Zero amplifier with similar symptoms, that amp was also a major headache until I found shorted muting transistor. That amp had one for all channels.

This amp has one for each channel, I could not determine which one is it. Checked every transistor on board, did not find any shorts or anything strange.

Recently I repaired Autotek Super Sport SS75.4 amplifier, which is essentially the same as this Crunch, there are a few differences in PS, but audio section is exactly the same. That one had the exact same problem. On Autotek it was caused by broken traces going from PS to optocouplers, I fixed traces and amp started to produce audio.

Checked traces on Crunch, they were fine. Removed optocouplers and tried an optocoupler from another amp, did not change a thing.

Then I tried to trace audio signal with scope. Signal reaches the transistor marked on photo and disappears. That is the muting transistor I guess?

I made notes when repairing Autotek, that same transistor had 0,6V on its emitter when amp was already working, Crunch has 0,02V.

Other difference is that on Autotek in working condition voltage on audio section side of optocouplers was -5,2V and 5,3V on Crunch voltage on optocouplers is 11,7V and -11,7V.
Voltage from optocouplers goes to emitter and base of A1266 transistor in audio section, on the photo that transistor is right behind the transistor I found audio signal on.

Any ideas what to try next?


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Email sent.
All channels are dead actually. I need to get my hands on that Autotek I mentioned earlier.
Audio section was identical to this amp and optocouplers were the same, so howcome this amp has 11V on optocouplers and the Autotek had 5V? Could the difference cause all channels to lose audio.
I received your email, I do not know whats going on with it, one of my friends says also that his emails get kicked back but I actually receive them.

Yes the inputs of opto-couplers were higher than on Autotek. 9 and 10V if I remember correctly. Ill replace transistor which is connected to opto-couplers inputs to see if that makes any difference.

Amp on your picture is very-very similar to mine.
Replaced two transistors, which were connected to opto-couplers, that did not help.
Replaced other 3 transistors in power supply as well, checked every diode and resistor near 494. Everything checks out OK.

I do not actually understand how the opto-couplers are preventing the amp to produce audio?

I need to get the voltage on opto-couplers inputs lower to get the amp produce audio?
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