Crossover passive components

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Could some kind forum brother with a crossover program be nice and help me out with a crossover? Morel 166 to a Hi-Vi RT8II , a few suggestions say that they should be crossed near 2k but i always thought that you want to keep x-overs out of the 3 to 3 region. Ill take any suggestion though. 12 db would be good thanks. Ill check in the morning or tonight so i can put order in with Solen before i go to work.

Oh and which Attenuator should i buy ? of these 15 50 or 100 watt. Sorry i cant link direct pages on although you can go there to x-over parts --> L-pads and see them. The woofer is listed as 85 db and the Hi-Vi at 95 db so someone has to get chocked out.

Thanks again for help.

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