Crossfader Replacement Problem (Behringer DDM4000 mixer and the Infinium X1 Fader)

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Corssfader Replacement Problem (Behringer DDM4000 mixer and the Infinium X1 Fader)


Hi , im very , very new to electronics and modding, in fact so new that this would be my 1st attempt. And as you would expect i have fallen at the 1st hurdle whilst trying to install a very Common Fader the Infinium X1 into the Ever more common Berhinger DDM4000 mixer.

Before i purchased this fader i read up on how to install it and i was under the impression that all i needed to do was pop off my old fader from the motherboard of the mixer and pop in its place the New fader.

They new fader is a compatible 3 pin fader, and should in theory have no problems fitting into the Mixer.

However, when i took the top off my mixer i was shocked to find that the original fader was not plugged in at all and was hard Solderd to the mother board, and so there was no way of removing the fader from the mother board (so i at 1st thought)

Next to the hard solderd 3pin was an actual 3pin plug that would indeed fit the new fader. so i looked into weather or not this was where i was supposed to put my new fader.

After looking at the instructions provided with the New fader it did indeed look as if i could do this. However i then realised that the original fader would still be attatched and therfore how could this be so...

I decided to take the old fader of its cable leaving the cable attached to the motherboard and i then simply plugged in my new fader to the side sitting 3pin female and tested the fader. Which unfortuantly did not work... it did make some chance and as i slid the fader side to side i would get a stuttering effect like (on off on off on off - across the whole fade) rather than a simple fade in and out accross the range of the fader.

So i presumed that either the fader was knackerd (BRAND NEW) or i was missing something.

Eitherway. plugging the new fader into the secondery female 3 pin did not work. So i thought about my options... Maybe i could hard wire the New fader onto the remaining wires from the old fader and all being well this would work nice.

I decided rather than connecting and soldering the ribbon of the new fader and the old faders ribbon together than i would use the old faders 3pin female plug and connect the 2 ribbonss together with the 3pin female as a conduit connector.

this worked out great and the 2 ribbons connected nice (see pics)

Perfect i thought, this has got to work. So again i tested the fader, only to recieve the same results as before. A stutter effects as the fader slid from side to side.

Looking at the new fader it has a bioard that slides with the fade and on that board it has black and clear squares for the optic to use and so the stuttering was being triggerd by these black and clear squares... onbiously when the optic sees a black square it tunes the on, and when its clear it turns off .

But thats not at all what i want a fader to do, so there is definatly sumthing not right here. The fader is 100% compatible and should work fine. But for whatever reason it is not doing.

Ok so detailed explination over. My questions are as follows.
1. Has anybody here ever competed this Fader replacement and if so how did you go about it.
2. should i even be concidering hard wireing the new fader to the motherboard if this fader is not working as it should when tested.
2a, if the fader is actually fine , what the hell is going wrong then, Do you think.
3. what other options do i have left here.
4. does anybody know where i can get the origonal fader replacement for the Behringer DDM4000

If all else fails im going to take it to my Local DJ store and get them to fix it up for me, But this could cost me a fair price and if you guys can help me out here you would save me a small fortune.

Anybody advise Please. Thanks in advanced. i will attach images with a bit of luck. IMAGES with Detailing
f2.jpg Old fader 3pin male ribbon with a female 3pin reciever at its side
f3.jpg Adding the Old Faders Female Reciver to the original ribbon (to receiv the new faders ribbon)
The end result being the New fader connected to the Old Faders Ribbon that connects to the motherboard of the mixer (i would of thought this would of been the solution but no)


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O.k so after finding my way looking for reviews of people who bought this i found what i was looking for on Amazon.

Basically, the empty Female 3 pin Connector next to the original Ribbon is wher this New Fader is supposed to be installed.

No instructions on what your supposed to do with the old ribboin, leave it connected or take it off.

But definatly your supposed to install the Infinium onto the Secondery 3pin port next to the original.

O.k So as i stated before i allready did this and it did not work. i just got the stuttering.

Well it turns out im not the only 1 with problems with this fader.

Others have also left reviews on Amazon explaining that the fader did not work , just got hot. Even though installed correctly.

So it seems to be the case that Either the Crossfader itself is Hit and miss , and will either work or not.

Or it will be down to the mixer.

Whatever the issue. my fader does not work, And 1 review left on amazon stated that they even got a replacement only to find that the replacement did not work either (which tells me might be the mixer)

Its just Hit and miss basically wether or not it will work.

I guess for some it will and for others it wont.

So i guess my next option is to look for any 3pin Fader that will fit onto my original 3wire ribbon.

Hope this hels somebody else one day.

The answer your looking for is.

Yes you connect the new infinium fader onto the 2nd available port in the mixer, im not sure what you do with the original Ribbon, but i would leave it where it is and install your infinium into the 2nd 3pin connector port at the side of your old faders ribbon.

And it will be hit and miss weather the fader works or not, nobody seems to know why it works for some but not for others.

But i good way to tell if its not working is if the fader just gets hot and does not work.

If that happens, best thing you can do is get it replaced with a new 1 and see if that 1 works.

Anybody else been thru this situation, if so id like to hear how you remidied this problem.


Heres the amazon reviews. reviews: Behringer INFINIUM X1

So after looking into this in detail, i decided to give it another go on my mixer. And of course it did not work.

But as i was putting the fader back into its box, i noticed how hot it had gotten and i took a look after the chips to see if they had fried or anything and to my Astonishment

I Found this.

161200387-123168149755477-3716570867450682969-n — ImgBB

The bloody nerve.

The supplier has only gone and sold me a Fault Fader with a Big Fat X on the main Chip.

No wonder it dont bloody work.

So im sending it back to the supplier getting my refund and gonna buy another 1 from elsewhere.

Hopefully iv not fried my bloody Mixer.

But all being well i can move on with a working mixer in a few days.

I will update again, as i know many other people will come across this problem just as i did.

Yes. i did unsolder the femaile plug off the OldCross Fader. it was a silly attempt to bridge the cross fader ribbons together without soldering them / splicing them. it worked , however it was after thyis i realised i was to connect the new X1 into the female plug at the side of the old cross faders ribbon.

Eitherway, niether operation worked. and afterwards i found the Big X on the main chip of the Infinium X1.

I have also since realised that the X1 i had looked nothing like the actual X1 displayed on the listing or anywhere else.

The layout of the chips and board where different. Also the genuine X1 had a blue Boards and the 1 i received had a Creamy Brown board.

Im not sure but i think i was sold a fake replica. Not to mention a Faulty Replica.

Eitherway. im going to find another supplier of the X1 and try again, as i have little option.

I cannot find any replacement fader for the Berhinger DDM4000 Anywhere.

But saying that i lack the understanding to know exactly what fader will do.

But im open to suggestion guys.
yes, you see. the X1 you have has the blue board and is the genuine X1. the 1 i got has a different setup on the board and has a creamy brown board.

The Main chip on yours is 3 times the size of the chip on the fake i got.

No wonder iv run into problems...

shame iv not got a pic of the fader to show you. But its 100% not what you have there.

Oh right i see what your saying... Theres an "X" on the chip.

I just presumed it ment the chip did not pass inspection lol..

I guess it means it was tested.

Eitherway. the bloody thing didnt work for me and was completly different to what you have there.

I bet if i was to get the origional X1 like youres that there would be no problem.

We will see.
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i suppose it could be yes. it looked genuine enough, with the Behringer logo and all. just nothing like the 1 you have.

It probly is just an updated version rather than a replica. It also came i a decent box with Behringer logo ect.

It just corssed my mind that the reason it didnt work was cuz it was not the original.

Im determained to get my mixer working again though, So iv got to order another X1 and this time im hoping to get the Blue board rather than the 1 i just had. To eliminate the possibility ect.

Im ordering 1 now so i will update once i have it and we will see if i can get this mixer to work with the X1.

If not i dont know what im gonna do other than take my mixer to my local DJ store and see if they can get a fader in. But thats gonna cost me £60-£120 to have done i rekon.

So id much rather find the original Fader or a X1 that works and simply install it myself.
Yes thats it, thats the fader i received. Hmm . so can any1 understand why it did not work in my mixer.

Is it likley a faultyy fader. iv read on amazon sumbody with exactly the same issue. The fader just gets hot but does not work... Im presuming that was down to a faulty fader.

Iv also read on amazon that it did not work out of the box, and the fella had to switch wires around... That really suprises me.

Can any1 shed some light on this.

For all those who buy this Fader and plug it in only for it to not work / get hot under the chips.

The solution is Simple.

1st and formost the infinium X1 is to be plugged into the socket at the side of the origonal.

The origonal wires stay on the board (just tape them up so no shorting)

Then for the infinium fader if it does not work at this stage whilst plugged into 2nd socket and the fader just gets hot under the chips

You must swap the 2 outer wires of the fader around. its that simple.

i Did it myself .

I just Cut the 2 outer wires in the middle and connected them up in reverse to each other.

Swap or Cut--->| X |<---Cut or Swap

Tinned & taped them together (after a test)

And the fader worked fine , no more heating up and no skippy fade.

I sold the decks and mixer unfortunatly so i dont have images to show you.

But its a really simple fix, any1 can do it.

Again the 2 outer wires leaving the center wire alone. Just swap them around , or cut and connect in reverse.

Job done.

Hope that helps you too.
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