Could anyone recommend any excellent documentaries?

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I've often enjoyed PBS's NOVA, though I haven't watched much in recent years and decades. I found this one on IBM's Watson computer, broadcast during the week before it won Jeopardy, fascinating:
Smartest Machine on Earth | NOVA | PBS Video

I don't often watch TV/videos/movies but there are a few I like, mostly techy like NOVA. Here's brand new on I've not seen yet (it screened in about ten cities, none within 500 miles of me). See the trailer and order DVD's here:
Transcendent Man
There are more along this line, but apparently they're either not complete or not in distribution yet:
Four Singularity Movies – The World Wants the Future | Singularity Hub
Does this get better as you continue watching it? So far I find the narration, camera work and sound way is below par IMO.

Greetings Bas Horneman
Bear with it! Forget about the production values_ they're
strictly 'Pre Dinosaur Age'
It builds momentum as the episodes progress.
The last episode deals with John Von Neumann_compelling viewing.

Try and get hold of a book by the title of
'The Recursive Universe' William Poundstone
It's not about Von Neumann but it does detail one of his seminal works.
What is a TOR?

Must be some kind of proxy, if you are watching the BBC from the colonies.

Very very naughty - but please tell how in works! My son in the antipodies would be very interested!

TOR allows your to browse the net anonmously. And you can set it up only the use the UK nodes which would trick BBC site into thinking you are connecting from the UK. Similiar to having a UK proxy.

Refer to this link for set up details:

watching bbc i player abroad - Page 3

Everyone is just raving about the documentary about one platoon's tour in Afghanistan, "Restrepo", but I've not seen it yet.

I enjoyed "Genghis Blues" about an American blues musician who travels to Tuva to learn Tuvan throat singing. Some good music in it too . . if you like Tuvan throat singing.

"Jesus Camp" is a really interesting look into religious fundamentalists in the USA. It treats its subjects with respect, unlike Bill Mar's "Religulous".

"Children Underground", about homeless children in Romania, is a documentary you'll probably never forget. But watching it is like watching puppies being thrown into a meat grinder in slow motion. Maybe you'll decide to go to Romania and adopt a bunch of kids.

I enjoyed "Touching the Void" and "Man on Wire" also.

I find it hard to find good documentaries. Most are very one-sided and opinionated. They're just written to influence the public's opinion about a particular issue. I've seen a lot of documentaries, and this is all I can recommend.
One of the best (altough very one sided) The Fog of War: 10 Lessons from the life of Robert Macnamera.

I find it hard to find good documentaries. Most are very one-sided and opinionated.

I blame Michael Moore and the popularity of his pop docs (and there is a good documentary about him, but I cant remember what its called). Now most doc producers want to get rich, not educate. There are still some excellent docs out there but you have to search. Inside Job (the economic collapse of 08) , No end in site (the Iraq invasion),
Why we Fight (the power of the military industrial complex). Exit thru the gift shop (a stab at the arts establishment as seen thru a "street artist", Bansky. If you havnt heard of him google his art. Theres a trailer here

Banksy “Exit Through the Gift Shop” sneak peak, extended trailer, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc…. | The Citrus Report | Art, Culture, News, Graffiti, Music, Street Art, Clothing, Politics, Reviews

And it dosnt give away the twist.
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