Convert Krell 300iL to European voltage

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They didn't put the bloody frequency detector in, did they?

well i looked carefully after it, but couldn't find anything.....
perhaps i have a defective unit...?
i put the voltage code back to 2 1 1 , and went to a friend of mine who have a variotrafo, and gave it 110 volts.
the same happened, only red lights in all the inputs bulbs.

mine is medio 96', and have the hdcd upgrade....

i have a p300 on its way from the states - perhaps this will do the trick.

please tell me about your experience with the kps20i, the sound, have you done any mods to it - perhaps new I/V op amps....? new caps and other rectifiers.....? are you happy with this player...?

tbla said:
i put the voltage code back to 2 1 1 , and went to a friend of mine who have a variotrafo, and gave it 110 volts.
the same happened, only red lights in all the inputs bulbs.

But that variotrafo didn't convert to 60Hz, did it?

The check is done in software on the microcontroller, if done at all. Check if there is a white label on a chip on the board mounted inside the front panel. It probably states the model number, software release number and possibly frequency.
tbla said:

well i looked carefully after it, but couldn't find anything.....
perhaps i have a defective unit...?
i put the voltage code back to 2 1 1 , and went to a friend of mine who have a variotrafo, and gave it 110 volts.
the same happened, only red lights in all the inputs bulbs.

Looks like you bought a lemon! Did you try it before you bought?

It is unlikely that the 20i will have frequency detection.

Sounds fine, not modded mine; used it for a long time as transport. Sounds better with the door open or weighted down.
iampivot said:
Can you supply C and R values for 60Hz please? :)

And do you know which pin the 68HC711 senses frequency on?

The values for C is 100 nF and around 100 Kohms for R (you have to adjust : this kind of oscillator is not very precise).

I don't know the pin, I just found the right track on the PCB where the opto give the 50 Hz in TTL level, I cut the track, and put the oscillator output (tuned with an oscillo at 60 Hz) on the track which go to the micro-processor.

Looks like you bought a lemon! Did you try it before you bought?

no i didn't - as i got it from a dealer in new york and it was "playing fine" as he said.......:whazzat:

but ok, it just needs to be fixed - can't be that big a problem......and while i'm at it, all the old caps can be exchanged for some new and better ones.......:)

i'm really currious about how good this unit really is - did you compare it to others....?

no i didn't - as i got it from a dealer in new york and it was "playing fine" as he said.......:whazzat:

but ok, it just needs to be fixed - can't be that big a problem......and while i'm at it, all the old caps can be exchanged for some new and better ones.......:)

i'm really currious about how good this unit really is - did you compare it to others....?


For some years this was my reference. Go to and read archive reviews. I now use dCS (Pro units which are cheaper) which are much better than even very high end stuff.

The OP27 opamps certainly need changing. How much did you pay and how much will it cost to fix?
tbla said:
i got it for £ 2000.
well, i don't no yet whats wrong with it - so i don't no how much it will cost to fix it......

i can't find the stereophile review or for that matter the hifi news review - if you know were to get it - it would be good reading for me......:)
I would have sold mine to you for less - mint and working!

Look in the archive section of Stereophile. It was there.
The point of frequency measurement seems to be after a small diode bridge, just before the opto coupler (white yellow), marked as q206 03hs (I think, it was kind of fuzzy). I measure 100Hz again earth at this point.

Btw, can someone check if this layout is similar to other krell products' front panel board?


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tbla said:
well guess what guys....i wont be needing the unit from fmak - mine "works nicely" as the dealer told just needed the 60 hz.
so i guess krell did put the frequency detector inside this dated cdplayer......:smash:
I got mine from a 50Hz zone! What about your 4th floor and what do you think of it?
i only listened for 5-10 minuts and the player was powered up from its a bit difficult to say anything about the sound yet, but it was promissing.
good bas and open midrange - good focus and dynamics...slam.

probably needs a new clock, opamps, rectifiers and black gates or silmics all over.

i like the solid feel of this player.......:)
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