Comments on my Aleph-X layout?

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Hell, the LC with even 50mF is plenty quiet but the cost and weight to use coils makes the CRC with a half ohm the way to go. You'll trade capacitance for the copper but all things considered, it seems the best way. Now I understand how the Musical Fidelity amps were able to be so quiet with so piddly little capacitance.
Now that I know what to build, I guess I'll need some parts. I got a line on some surplus wirewound Yageo 5W 1/2 ohm power resistors but the quantity is 200 and the seller won't part the lot. With 200 of them I can match them to 0.001 ohm which is 5X more accurate than the 1% Mills group buy parts from last year. Maybe I should offer these up @$0.50 for a group buy. These can be used as the source resistors for the Aleph X too

Done. Here is the link. I called it the "buck an ohm" offer :)
Use them only if they are non-inductive for the source resistors. You can use any type resistor you wish in the power supply as long as they can dissapate enough power. I use Mills because they are available in any quantity I wish from Parts Connection for not too much money. You don't have to go overboard, but use the best parts you can afford. I used Holco H8 and Mills resistors, Black Gate and Nichicon Capacitors but I have heard Panasonic components work as well. It is up to you. I am using the Hifizen boards for the AX-100 and will use Kari's version for maybe a higher power version or maybe lower power version for Bi or Triamping. First I want to get the AX-100 up and running. The boards are built and I am starting on the metalwork.
About the non-inductive thing: A friend has suggested that by measurung the directionality of the inductance and matching it with a paired resistor (ie: two 1/2 ohms to make a 1/4 ohm) you can cancel or minimize to inaudability any inductive effect. I have an LCR analyzer so have the means to try this but I want to know if anyone else here thinks this is plausable. I guess in this case, Peter Daniel might be right about the orientation of a resistor effecting the sound :)
I don't buy it. Don't forget inductance is not a scalar quantity. Impedance has amplitude and phase. It would be impossible to determine how the inductive resistor would react with other impedances in the circuit. Would they add or subtract? Who knows? The phase component of impedance changes with frequency so you would have to measure the impedance and phase angle at every frequency in the audio range of the resistor and the circuit you are putting it in. Don't forget there is a capacitive component that can't be ignored also that will affect the impedance. Remember your transmission line theory. It is just getting overcomplicated. Use a non-inductive resistor. It just doesn't seem worth the hugh effort to save a few pennies on resistors. As to directionality, I am not going to speculate on how a non-inductive resistor's orientation in a circuit will effect sound. There are more than 25 resistors in an Aleph X channel. Do you care to speculate how many combinations of resistor orientations that makes. Even the thought of worrying about it just borders the ridiculous. Don't worry about that sort of garbage. You will have enough fun getting the DC offset out of the circuit.
What do you guys think of these 220 uF Caps?




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Ruby and Nich both make great caps.. for audio you'd better ask someone else.

When I saw the Elna post by Kari I ran a quick Ebay search and found 100 Elna 220uf 50v N.O.S. for $6USD shipped (yes, $6.00). There were few details but a little research tells me that they are High Grade(Silmic 2)..brown sleeve. They are just under cerafine in the product line. I won't know till I get 'em though.

Anyone have any experience with these?


Hi there!

How critical are the Sense resistors at the Output (the parallel 0,47Ohm- resistors)?
In the WIKI it is mentioned, that they all have to be the same value, including the Source-Resistors (have alook at Grey´s scematic -compare post43 in this thread).

Do I need only two sense-resistors on each side8total of 4), if I want to use only 4 output-mosfets (complete Aleph-XA including CCS)?

Best wishes from Germany!
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