Comment on Grounding Scheme?

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No AndrewT, many posts will show that I do take advice, and I'm grateful for it.

But not from you. Because you wrongly present your debatable opinions as fact, which makes your advice--to call it that--worthless.

However, I'm glad you said something because it reminded me. I've been meaning to check with you about your post #9 here:

For your convenience I excerpt your post below:

The "post6" amplifier you refer to I re-post below, again for your convenience. "Who designed this amplifier" is the engineering staff at SG, of course. The highlighting is added by me, but otherwise the circuit is a screenshot, there are no changes. Here's the data sheet:

I wanted to check with you on whether you'd heard back from the engineers at SG? Have they made the changes you require, is all that taken care of?
Is your question serious or are you just being argumentative?
OK, I have Joffe's article open and looking at fig4 and fig5.
The external loop in the interconnect ground has R13.
the internal return circuit has R11 in the right channel signal return and R12 in the left channel signal return. Fig4 without the solution has this input loop linked to Power Ground via an inductive interference source. L1 in the right channel and L3 in the left channel.
As shown interference current passes around the interconnect return loop.
Interference current (Ii) times R11 generates an interference voltage Vi in the signal circuit. Similarly Ii*R12 for Left.

The way to reduce Vi is to remove the interference voltage and/or reduce Ii.
One can increase R13 to attenuate Ii, or add a new resistor to the loop outside the signal route. This new added resistor is shown in fig5. labeled HBRR (right) & HBRL (left).
This added resistor is NOT in the input signal flow and return route. It reduces Ii. It reduces Vi.

One could increase R13 if one had access to change the grounding scheme inside the Source component. But this is generally not feasible.

Alternatively one could increase R11 and/or R11. This would reduce Ii, since it has increased the loop resistance. The interference voltage on the input circuit will increase because Ii (lower value) * R11(higher value) results in a higher proportion of the interference voltage from L1 appearing along the signal return route. Increasing R11 does not attenuate the interference. Similarly increasing R12 does not attenuate Vi.

Another alternative would be to reduce the proportion of interference voltage in the signal route by reducing R11 and R12. But this route also has reactive impedance. Simply increasing the copper of the return will not give much attenuation. But as H.Ott often shows it does have some effect in attenuating interference.

For this diagram only increasing HBRR or increasing R13 attenuates Vi in the input circuit.
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Moving the added resistor from one side of the Signal Ground Node @ junction of R9,10,12 to the Power Ground side of the same Node has changed the way the interference attenuation works, or does not work. The location of the added resistor makes a difference to the attempt at attenuation of the interference.
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Udok, you can build my recommended layout without the ground lifter. If you have no external ground loops, it will work perfectly. However the ground lifter brings added benefits in reducing noise.

I am not building amplifiers in high volume for commercial purposes. I build amplifiers for myself.

Thanks Bonsai,

I will adhere to your suggestion. I do not have problems with ground loops.
I lived in a few places and even in an old building with crappy power wirings and a big power hungry company nearby.

I had never ground loops problems. My home stereo system is powered from the same power outlet.
Only the antenna cable is galvanically isolated (otherwise the roof antenna RF-amplifier would introduce a really big ground loop).
The components are all Class-II. Some older Amps are Class-I.

I think there are at least two different mechanism involved.

1.) Different ground potentials due to wire resistance
(e.g. if a power amp needs 1 A, its ground reference jumps by a few mV).

2.) Loop currents due to magnetic induction.

Class-II or your Ground Lift Switch helps with 1.

Single ended designs can not cope with 2,
even if the current is not flowing through the internal ground
(your 15R helps here).
Minimizing the cable ground loop and a solid separate ground connection (as sometimes done on Phono inputs) helps a lot.

Greetings, Udo
PS in my opinion all (there are many) so-called ground lift schemes are: 1. Sloppy workarounds. 2. Dangerous. 3. Probably illegal, and therefore might make you personally liable for any damage or harm suffered.

Hey bentwang, no one is in this thread to read your opinion on anything, I think it's been well established that you're crazy as hell. What's it been, 2 months and you can't figure out how to put together a chipamp but you want to tell these guys how to lay out an amplifier? ;)
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By my understanding of the subject of interference currents, I see the location of the added resistor does make a difference.
Broskie has some nice diagrams of the "15R resistor" problem:
More Interconnects

Yes, voltage. I presumed magnetic coupling, so EMF = rate of change of magnetic flux with time. Current depending on impedance. Of course there may be capacitive...

Anyway voltage is what you're interested in when it couples into the input (and output) of your amplifier.

I never mentioned voltage in the context of the load return. I don't know why you bother with these debating tricks, I wouldn't lower myself to that kind of thing, I prefer an honest insult. This is supposed to be a scientific examination, not a rousing speech to a lynch mob.

Now that you've gotten that ridiculous thought off you chest, look at what you said:I hilited in red what I was referring to.

No. What we're interested in is minimizing the return loop area. If the AC voltage on the +ve rail is coupled onto the -ve rail, it will return to the PSU, if the -ve rail presents the most favourable path..

An AC voltage does not couple to another wire when they are twisted, unless you count tens of picofarads. The discussion is about current.

I do not engage in debating tricks, so get off that horse.

ESP's double shorted bridge rectifier is copied from the posts on this Forum that predated his work/article.

The single shorted bridge rectifier inserts two Vf drops into the link.
The double shorted bridge rectifier insets a parallel pair of single Vf drops into the link.

I use the double shorted version, because it has a lower Vdrop AND has a doubled Fault Current capability.

It's the kA Fault Current that MUST be taken back to Protective Earth (PE).

I caution all against using 25 amp bridge rectifiers as safety devices. They are not rated for bolted fault.

Three things can happen to a bridge under bolted fault conditions.

1. The bridge survives and protects the user.
2. The bridge fails, but since it has the silicon chips at a right angle to the mounting surface, the aluminum case it is encapsulated in retains it's physical integrity, therefore the silicon will fail into a dead short. This will kill the ground lift capability, but will protect the user from lethal ground voltages.
3. The bridge fails, but because the silicon is oriented parallel to the mounting surface, there is only the encapsulation epoxy to prevent physical destruction. Since all encapsulation epoxies which have a thermal coefficient of expansion close to aluminum will be filled with ground alumina powder, the epoxy will NOT have good tensile strength, it will fail and the device will suffer a containment breach. This failure leaves the bridge in an open condition. Should the fail to trip the panel breaker, there will be a lethal condition remaining.

I think the problem is worse than what Bonsai is describing. A pre amp and a power amp, each with their own mains earth connection. This has created three ground connections between the two units (two interconnects and the mains ground). All these connections are low impedance and so there is nothing to stop the return audio current from splitting into three with some returning through the other channels interconnect and some returning through the mains cable.
We don't only have ground currents flowing through the interconnects, we also have audio current flowing through the mains cables!!!!

Absolute agreement.

from my gallery:

ground_loop_calculation - My Photo Gallery
This first post is wrong. It leads to a dangerous situation AFTER the fuse has blown.
Even worse: Fault Current flowing from Live/Hot to PE might not blow the fuse in the Neutral line.

This second post is correct.

can you arrange to have your dangerous post removed from the Forum?

i was commenting on the Bonsai article which Leach used more than 20 years ago and which i also implement.....if you say my post is dangerous, then Bonsai must be that what you are saying?

i stand by what i posted, as long as you know which wire is "neutral" and which one is "line", then color is not an issue to me...
Joined 2003
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I think in quite a few cases here, we are assuming that there is no fuse in the equipment, or that the mains breaker does not work. You have to assume these things are in place and working correctly.

I am able to build very quiet systems with the techniques shown. For those of you that don't like using a ground lifter . . . Don't. In the practical wiring diagram, I show a version without the ground lifter.
Pictures versus words

As a person who makes his living out of manipulating words as well as a non-technical amateur, it is my experience that words and sentences can be misinterpreted, and many writers do not practice "plain language."

A properly drawn, accurately and completely labelled drawing/diagram/schematic is much better for amateurs such as I. Professor Leach's articles in Audio were read repeatedly by me and I never really understood them the way that i do with the advent of the internet and the help of the many high-quality contributors to DIYaudio. The best writing is accompanied by good diagrams and schematics, well labelled, and presented in a progression from simple to complex. Nelson Pass' writing and his diagrams are models, in this regard.

Hi Geary, you are absolutely correct.....:up:

one important point that hasn't been mentioned explicitly here, although obvious in the schematic and picture diagrams:

never use the chassis metal work as return path for power, a separate power return lead must be used....

in the tube radio era, you will see component grounds returned to chassis, some were even welded to the chassis,
and the reason for this is because of the very low currents used back then...

in today's solid state era, where currents can be in the tens of amperes, this practice will never work...
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Wow. A truly amazing new theory. It does make me wonder how a transformer works, since a twist is a coil longitudinally extended. Well, at least there's no need to worry about loop area anymore.

Note very carefully the words used by jneutron.

You are confusing current and voltage. The coupling mechanisms are different.

This is a complex field - there is much to learn from the experts here.
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