Colour coding component mains leads

I have a Cyrus system comprising
CD player (used as a transport)
Pre amp
Smartpower amps x3 (yes, I'm tri-amping)

Each of the above has a PSXR (a power supply that is supposed to be an upgrade to the one inside the component it connects to).

All of the above sits in 2 Cyrus Hark racks which each have a power strip for the mains cables.

The mains cables are typically 1.8m long but probably don't need to more than 0.5m, if that, so round the back it's a bit messy, add in interconnects, MC-BUS cables, it's a rat's nest. All the mains leads are IEC and black (the DAC may be figure 8 type)

I'm looking at getting shorter mains leads in a variety of colours but have not decided on the colour scheme hence this post.

1. Colour code by component, e.g. PSXR black, smartpower green, CD red etc.

2. Colour code by function CD + PSXR black, HF smartpower + PSXR green, mid smartpower + PSXR red etc

3. Colour code by position. There are 8 different cable colours, a colour indicates component position on the rack. Shelf 1 = black, shelf 2 = red, shelf 3 = orange. If the leads were available in brown, then I could use ye olde resistor colour code. Obviously using C language indexing, starting at 0 (black).

I am favouring scheme 2 and 3, reason for the colour coding is if I pull a plug, I know immediately which component is affected..... but it wouldn't be that big a deal to follow the lead.

Anyways, what do you think?
Yeah, that should work. The lead length is the main issue, since I would have had to buy plugs (the coloured leads are IEC extensions), then just a matter of shortening them and fitting mains plug.

Colour is quick to identify but since once all is plugged, the connection don't change.