Class D/T amp comparison - your recommendation

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Hi all,
I would like to build a hifi amp with best possible sonic performance for home listening. There are many kits and assembled amp modules available and some of them have very good reputation but I would like to know your opinions which is the best... :) And why... If you have experience with more different amp modules, I would welcome your comparisons with descriptions of their sonic character and what you like (and dislike) on them.

I have selected some candidates which seem to be really good, so I prefer your comments on them but welcome any recommendation. Also comparison with good class A/B amps is welcome.

TruePath by
TA3020 Audio Amplifier v3c by
TA3020 Amp by

TAMP-90 by
TA2022 amp by auspiciouselectronics
TA2022 V3.0 amp by

TAS5630 and TAS5613 based (or similar) amps
TK2050 based amps by Sure electronics and hifimediy

DXA-400 (or higher models) by
Zap Pulse 800XE by LC Audio
UcD bz
IcePower modules

This thread can be very useful for many members, I think, especially for beginners like me. :)

Thank you for sharing your experience and impressions...

Hi TCx,
You find a good amplifier,...see this new. It is compact and have incredible sound as A-B mospower amplifier.
Not have intermodulation on voice up to full power.
audio is clean... with deep bass.
I you want ,can try this new module.
(I remembered the performance that you have required ). :)



  • New-SDA-400.jpg
    128.8 KB · Views: 2,544
Thank you all for your tips... Much appreciated!

AP2: Isn't DXA-400 better than SDA-400?

DXA is more complex, has advanced current protection and a totally new modulator of class D amplifiers.
certainly the technological level of a company is measured by product and this is a difference between DXA and SDA.
But this new SDA-400 is the result of experience, how to make a good amplifier that does not cost too much, with very high quality components. Result is an reliable, quiet, able to confuse listening compared to a good class AB.
the feeling of listening is really very good.

Thank you, AP2, for your explanation. Well, I would not mind saving about 100 euro on a pair of amp modules, of course. However, I would not prefer lower cost if it would mean (even slightly) lower audio quality (when comparing DXA and SDA). So do you mean that SDA is sonically better than DXA or that the cost difference is not adequate to SQ difference?

Other members: Do you have any experience with any of these amp modules by

Thank you, AP2, for your explanation. Well, I would not mind saving about 100 euro on a pair of amp modules, of course. However, I would not prefer lower cost if it would mean (even slightly) lower audio quality (when comparing DXA and SDA). So do you mean that SDA is sonically better than DXA or that the cost difference is not adequate to SQ difference?

Other members: Do you have any experience with any of these amp modules by


just to clarify a point.
currently the difference is only 100 €, as you say but only because DXA is promoted until September. After this period, the difference will be greater € 100.
And then there's a big difference in audio amplifier measurements and behavior to different circumstances.
SDA has good measures (not exceptional) but has a really good sound.
example: if Ta-xx-xx or TK amp cost only € 20, this does not mean that to be thrown in the trash.:)
(I only wanted to give you a hint based on what you asked me long ago)
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Hi AP2,
thank you for your recommendations. Much appreciated!
It seems that I will have to try the SDA... :)
What voltages the SDA-400 requires (I can't find this information on the website)? Which SPMS is most suitable for this amp?
Do you recommend using PBTU-2 Accessory with the SMPS or would several low ESR high ripple current caps do the same job?
Is DPS-400-S available for 230V mains voltage?

Sorry for so many questions and thanks for your support.

P.S. I know that low cost doesn't always mean bad performance. Some of the relatively cheap tripath based amps seem to be very good and popular here.
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Hi AP2,
thank you for your recommendations. Much appreciated!
It seems that I will have to try the SDA... :)
What voltages the SDA-400 requires (I can't find this information on the website)? Which SPMS is most suitable for this amp?
Do you recommend using PBTU-2 Accessory with the SMPS or would several low ESR high ripple current caps do the same job?
Is DPS-400-S available for 230V mains voltage?

Sorry for so many questions and thanks for your support.

P.S. I know that low cost doesn't always mean bad performance. Some of the relatively cheap tripath based amps seem to be very good and popular here.

Hi TCx,

as SDA-400 has a very high efficiency (losing by only 700mV from Vcc rail) at 4R.
Then one DPS-400 + PBTU-2 provides up to 2x300W at 4R with + /-58V and 364W (4R) with burst signal 60Hz) thanks to the pair of snap-in low-ESR 2x4700uF on board.
I think that is great for good music at home (you can reduce the power if necessary (or increase).
well, you can directly connect a good CD player and good speakers, SDA-400 does not require others.:)
How much power your speakers rms bear?

Thanks again, AP2. My main speakers are 200W rated 8 Ohm 89dB sensitive floorstanders Aurum Cantus M-103. I have them in a mid-size room in a flat (appartment) so I cannot play music too loud because of neighbours. I tried to drive them by a 2 x 30W rated microsystem Thomson and even with this anemic amp they can play quite loud. But bass tones have quite bad contours with this weak inbuilt amp. I am quite sure that even into 8 Ohm load the pair of SDA-400 will provide much more power then ever needed. What do you think?
Thanks again, AP2. My main speakers are 200W rated 8 Ohm 89dB sensitive floorstanders Aurum Cantus M-103. I have them in a mid-size room in a flat (appartment) so I cannot play music too loud because of neighbours. I tried to drive them by a 2 x 30W rated microsystem Thomson and even with this anemic amp they can play quite loud. But bass tones have quite bad contours with this weak inbuilt amp. I am quite sure that even into 8 Ohm load the pair of SDA-400 will provide much more power then ever needed. What do you think?

Hi TCx,
In fact also with 8R (+ /-58V) can provide 160-170w per channel.
it can choose a lower voltage up to 2x80W (8R) at order.
you have good Loudspeaker.
I think that is good at original voltage (+ /-58V), even at very low power (1-3w), SDA-400 has excellent bass reproduction with clean and well defined high frequency.
My reason is not to force the purchase but to show the difference of an amplifier that has been studied in detail of audio band. (because you try this)
If You Have Other amplifier it is good and simple comparison, a channel SDA, the other channel yours.
I believe that Pigge "Play" ... feel the difference immediately.:) or... perhaps before too silent on twiter.:D

I am looking forward to the comparison. I have already bought LC Audio ZapPulse 800XE (by TC-Electronics) which is significantly more expensive and was quite prized in a couple of threads on this forum. I have also bought TK2050 amp board by hifimediy from this forum but I can't use the amps yet because I wait for SMPS's I have ordered from another source. I am really curious... :)
I am looking forward to the comparison. I have already bought LC Audio ZapPulse 800XE (by TC-Electronics) which is significantly more expensive and was quite prized in a couple of threads on this forum. I have also bought TK2050 amp board by hifimediy from this forum but I can't use the amps yet because I wait for SMPS's I have ordered from another source. I am really curious... :)
well, I see that the amplifiers will not miss it.:)
TK board not know but I heard good things about the forum, I heard the same 800XE by TC Electronics. If amplifiers are really good, is always the ear of those judges (this is a problem).
Well, I am very available for further explanation, I too have a curious rating as soon as you arrive SMPS.

Hi Tcx
I just finished my build with the ClassD SDS254 kit and it turned out great.Compared to my Audio Research D76 tube amp the ClassD amp has much greater control of the music.It is by far the quietest amp i ever heard.Great dynamics with a big sound stage.I am driving Magnepan MMG speakers and they have never sounded so good.:)
Hi stigs,
thank you for sharing your experience. That SDS254 seems to worth a try... My another hot candidate... :)

Forgot to mention NewClassD amps in my list. Has anybody listening experience with these modules? How they compare to other brands/models? I remember somebody wrote they were very detailed, maybe too analytical...
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