Class d amplifier resolution

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No - TI did not buy TacT. TI bought Toccatta technologies. That is some danish engineers. Tact licensed their technology, and TI later bought it.

Tact and Lyngdorf split up. I'm not shure if Tact exists, but the same products exist today as Lyngorf brand. It's correct that Lyngdorf also have Steinway-Lyngdorf.

But another story - try look at this link and look for Purifi. I don't know what it is, but it looks interesting
Hej Kjeldsen

Yes, I made a miuxup between the companys and who bought whom (I know some of these folks personally BTW).

But the important information is "hidden" in this sentence:

"With Toccata’s scalable
architecture, the same digital amplifier
technology used in the $10,000 TacT Audio
Millennium commercial digital amplifier can
be scaled and implemented in consumer
products retailing for less than $200."

To be found on:


This one does work with PWM. The TI solutions with digital modulator and the TacT amplifier use the same working principles. TI bougt this company and developed an integrated and mass-marked capable solution.
Mr. Lyngdorf is now with Steinway Lyngdorf.



Correct Tact Millenium is PWM in the output stage. At least that is what Mr. Lyngdorf told me (and others) in his private home. I worked at hifi-klubben at that time (Hifi stores that he also owned then).
Note: this is Offtopic.
Inductor is not in series with the load when the filter is LC (almost always). Dominant part of inductor ripple current flows into the capacitor, not into load. Calculation is easy: ILpeak=VL/4/fsw/L. For example 22V/22uH/250kHz/4=1A. Thinking it was 0 is a huge error, unacceptable in quality analysis.

(When the filter is a single inductor, then the filtering is very weak, load current is also high.)

Knowing the ripple current is exactly a key to calculating small signal nonlinearity. The other key is knowing the timing gap between p and n channel device.

A power actor can switch much faster without power transfer

This is false again, and in the same time makes your "switching range" theory unapplicable, since in switching range calculation you assumed a single value for switching speed.

Would You acknowledge switching range first? You wrote many different versions, what is more: now it became variable. Which would be the correct one?

I suggest you to learn first...
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