Class A/B folded cascode amp

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This is the best sounding amplifier I'v ever constructed!
It don't measure very well but it sound so gooood :D


  • fc_amp.jpg
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roender said:
This is the best sounding amplifier I'v ever constructed!
It don't measure very well but it sound so gooood :D

great amplifier, roender :cool:

what i have in 'your folder' is something about SymaSym
so i think you have built one MikeB amp, before

( lineup has got one special folder for each interesting diyAudio member
in his harddrive.
Example this time:
C:/My Documents/diyAudio-persons/roender/070127a_powerstage.jpg
See my attachment below
for this powerstage from 27th of January )

If I have a 'NelsonPass' folder ?
Of course, I have!!!!! :cool:
... and you may guess it has got plenty of stuff ... as Nelson IS a very interesting diyAudio profile
C:/My Documents/diyAudio-persons/NelsonPass/

... will be back with one more post, lineup comment,
after studying this Folded Cascode amp a bit more


  • 070127a_powerstage.jpg
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Khron said:
This is a bit off-topic here...

I'm from Romania too, a few hundred km's north of you :)

I had sent you an email inquiring about the latest version of your evolution of Mr. Bittner's Symasym (schematic, maybe pcb, and in an ideal case, some extra documentation/measurements).

Thanks in advance

I've send you an e-mail with all the necessary details for implementing "symasym roender style"
Regarding symasym, whatever variant may be, it will measure much better than folded cascoded amp presented here but it will sound a little bit "worse"
Keep in mind, however, that this is a subjective opinion.
I suggest you to test each variants and choose what you like more :D
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