Cats chewing cables!

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But Does the M1000i sound better now :)

If it does try feeding the cat some resistors and later collect them, who knows

The Monster's don't seem to sound any different, but they aren't all that great to begin with. All the time & $ spent fooling with different cables, I still go back to my $2 Radio Shack silver tip cheapo jobs. Glad I got into DIY. Now if I want to tweak the sound, I'll change a couple of .50 cent cathode bypass cap or whatever, to fine tune the sound instead of hundreds on cables, etc.

Feeding the cat resistors reminds me of a friend who's Boston Terrier used to like to eat crayons...... very colorful results.
Well, to offer an actual and non-cruel solution, cats hate sour smells. Go to your local pet supply store and get some citrus or green apple scent and put it on or around the cables. My brother's cat chewed through a 120V lamp cable and got burned pretty badly, and citrus oil kept her from coming back.

Now, if anyone could tell me how to keep my cat from vomiting on the white living room chair again that would be a real help.
To keep cats from scratching furniture, climbing where they shouldn't, I just tried bands of double-sided sticky tape. is the mfr, I bought mine at a pet supply store. Worked on furniture that was being used for scratching, and should work on the cables too, and very well on the white furniture mentioned above. They hate the stickiness, it's very effective; seems to be learned after one event.
Curmudgeon said:
To keep cats from scratching furniture, climbing where they shouldn't, I just tried bands of double-sided sticky tape. is the mfr, I bought mine at a pet supply store. Worked on furniture that was being used for scratching, and should work on the cables too, and very well on the white furniture mentioned above. They hate the stickiness, it's very effective; seems to be learned after one event.

the above might be the best idea.

could let water trickle in the bathtub,

they'll watch this for hours-


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get a squirt gun and squirt the cat when she does it. and say "bad"
(squirt gun great cat control, they hate it but it can not hurt them)

get something more fun to play with. and maybe she needs something else to chew on. (catnip mouse?)

get a laser pointer most cats love to try and chase the beam and as they are also quite lazy you can tire them out :)
Please, do not shoot the messenger.

It made me laugh. And I used to have a cat.

Chewing on cables is serious. Maybe you need to teach the cat a lesson once and for all.

I couldn't tell my cat anything. If I told him, "bad cat" or whatever, raising my finger at him, his ears would go backward and then he would try to claw my finger or face, whatever was the closest. Then he would walk away really slowly, like he was making a point, then lay down facing away from me. No manners whatsoever.

Yup, had a kitty eat an expensive toslink cable. Anything that looks like string grabs their attention. If you can tape it down with duct tape that sometimes works. Or use one of those rubber cable runners to stop people from tripping on cables they sell at hardware stores.

I'm not sure the tobasco or citrus will have enough odor. The cat will still be able to swat at it. If the cable is somehow fastened to not move it wont be as interesting.

I've seen cats eat plastic bags. I've heard that some of the biodegradeable plastics now are made with soy produts. And cats like the taste.

Or try covering the cables with carpet on the floor. Clear packing tape on the verticals.

Good luck. Kitties like to do things simply because they **** humans off.
Several ideas:
1. attach a pole or broom or something to a string near the cables so when he plays with it he knocks the pole onto himself- he'll begin to associated the cables with danger(and mild pain)
2. Bitter apple was designed for this, rub it onto the cables.
3. The lesson will be learned fastest if the cat gets shocked, so ask a vet what a safe voltage will be and charge a capacitor to it and let the cat chew through it, he'll only do it once.
4. Buy some cheap RS cables for him for christmas, this wont deter him from cables though but you might keep him off the good ones.
5. Buy some RS cables and play with the cat wrapping the cables around him tightly and whip him (gently), do this daily until he loses interest in cables, in other words give him daily bad experiences with cables.
6. :devilr: My favorite, ONLY DO THIS WITH A CAMCORDER PLEASE, get a small shock collar for a dog and shock his *** every time he touches the cables- be sure to post the videos:devilr:
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