Can I simply connect a PC (laptop) to a 2channel power amp?

Forgive me if this is a painfully rudimentary question. ELI5?

I keep my my system ultra simple. Small dedicated laptop. Win 11. Foobar installed. USB connected to DAC. DAC connected with RCA to vintage integrated amp. Ext harddrive backup.

I'm shopping for a used amp. Wondering if I can broaden my choices by simply using a PC plugin (software) pre-amp and bypassing the need for a hardware pre amp.

I can only find information on this online in discussions about music production. I find little information about consumer setup. But I'm sure it's just a matter of not knowing how to frame the question

Short answer yes.

You can connect the output of a computer to a power amp.

I have done this myself when I was between preamps.

It is not the most optimal way to do it for 2 reasons imo:
1) the output stage of a computer soundtrack is unlikely to be super quality.
2) make a mistake with the volume control in windows and you could blow something.

Those aside it will certainly work.

Depending on your sound quality requirements it might be good enough.

There are plausible reasons why it might not work for example if the power amp was a power buffer with no gain but that is not a common item.