Can i morph my HT sub into a more PA friendly design?

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its been a long time since i last posted here, so give me a break if i leave a couple important points or two out!

i currently have an ascendant audio atlas 15" in a 6.0ft^3 box tuned to 20hz. it goes loud and low and is good for movies. but i dont watch as many movies anymore, so im thinking of redesigning its implimentation.

i am buying cd decks and a mixer soon so i can mix electro/fidget house (lots of "dirty" basslines, sawtooths and whatnot, but not really anything important under 40 or 50hz), and am slowly tryign to piece together a system worthy of some house parties.

i am planning on building 4 BFM titan 39" and 4 DR200 in the future when i have enough cash, but i would like a sub for the now that puts out some more SPL while sacrificing extension, using my existing driver.

ive looked at the tempest horn already(as atlas drivers have been said to be close enough in t/s params to work roughly on spec in tempest designs), and also the BFM tuba HT, but im wondering if theres anything better i can build, i only need extension down to about 40hz, and size isnt an issue (since im only building one). maybe oen of those tapped horn things that seem to be taking over DIY audio?

heres specs as ascendant audio no longer makes this driver, it has a seperate coil which can be used to change T/S parameters, hence the 3 different sets of params. you can also put both coils in series which will add a bit more powerhandling and sensitivity, and yeild a lower qts, but i dont know by house much and i cannot find published specs.

Low Qts Specs
Fs 21.5 Hz
Qms 6.56
Qes .392
Qts .37
Vas 364 L
Re 2.8 ohms
Znom 4 ohms
Xmax 18 mm
Sd 810 cm2
Mms 139 g
Vd 2.91 L
RMS Power 300 watts
BL 11.7
Spl 1W/1M 91.5 dB
Spl 2.83V/1M 95.5 dB
Le .86 mH
Cms .388 mm/N
No. .904
Cutout 14.125"
Diameter 15.5"
Depth 7.25"
Weight 24 pounds

Mid Qts Specs
Fs 21.5 Hz
Qms 6.56
Qes .483
Qts .45
Vas 364 L
Re 2.8 ohms
Znom 4 ohms
Xmax 18 mm
Sd 810 cm2
Mms 139 g
Vd 2.91 L
RMS Power 300 watts
BL 10.3
Spl 1W/1M 90.6 dB
Spl 2.83V/1M 94.5 dB
Le .86 mH
Cms .388 mm/N
No. .711
Cutout 14.125"
Diameter 15.5"
Depth 7.25"
Weight 24 pounds

High Qts Specs
Fs 21.5 Hz
Qms 6.56
Qes .624
Qts .57
Vas 364 L
Re 2.8 ohms
Znom 4 ohms
Xmax 18 mm
Sd 810 cm2
Mms 139 g
Vd 2.91 L
RMS Power 300 watts
BL 8.5
Spl 1W/1M 89.5 dB
Spl 2.83V/1M 93.5 dB
Le .86 mH
Cms .388 mm/N
No. .567
Cutout 14.125"
Diameter 15.5"
Depth 7.25"
Weight 24 pounds

lemme know what you think!
Shorten the vents to tune it to 40. You'll get WAY too much output @ 40, so you'll need a highpass, both to tame this peak and to keep the power handling high.

That's the best solution and will require a little fiddling with the wiring of the driver and the highpass frequency/Q to get right.

Alternatively, you could just get a couple of these and build new, more PA appropo boxes

NHT Clearance 15

the parameters will allow a smaller box size with nice high efficiency but obviously a significantly higher F3.

But better that than to try to press the ascendant into PA sub service.
its not real PA service, im going for something halfway in between, im talking house parties of maybe 50 people in a somewhat large living room (maybe 40x15' ish. like i said, ill be building some proper horn subs in not too long once i work out some more flow.

ive modelled your idea, but id need to work out a way to cut the vents, as they are inside a glued up sonosub and the only acess to them is through the driver hole....hard to get a saw in there.

also, those drivers would not be cost effective for someone in canada once you factor in shipping and duties....

ive done up a 6th order bandpass which beats the 6ft^3 box in output between 50 and 100hz quite handily, its 8 cu ft, but i dont mind. it also has lower excursion while playing a higher volume, with the same power input.

ive still only played around with modelling the driver in a low q configuration.

tell me what you think, pink line is the coffin sized 6th order bandpass, green is 6 cuft at 40hz and orange is what i have built.


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