building my second speaker box Need a bit of help

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Hi everyone,

Iv made a speaker box before (in my other forums) its good but not the best as the parts aren't great and i didn't know what i was doing.

this is a new hobby for me and i really enjoy it but its frustrating on where to start learning the electronics side of it. (if someone knows of a good place to start like a learning site or something would be awesome!!)
would someone please make a list for me on what products i will need?
like a general idea. 🙂

My goal is to make a completely portable speaker box, that can charge by both solar and plug in the wall. not too small but not too big, but enough to be able to carry around comfortably. i would love it to have bluetooth and to be able be loud and a bit of bass. 😀 hope i'm not too fussy

Thank you in advance!
Ohhh ( Hi ! ) I also start to get interested in amplifiers & speaker because I wanted to do a sounding back pack_ never done it 😛
Nowadays things are better ( maybe a little bit more complicated ) as 1) there's internet BUT maybe a school book of basic electronics is better.
2) batteries like those for electric bikes ( Li-ion ) are great
3) Class D amplifiers save a lot of power ( they're much efficient ) though I'd never use them for home hi-fi
3) there are little speakers (3"-4") that are very good and quite cheap

You can start to disassemble some 2.1 pc speakers as they run on low voltage.
The transformer part needs a special attention because there is where the mains are attached- so there's danger if you don't pay attention...uh! safety first!
Ohhh ( Hi ! ) I also start to get interested in amplifiers & speaker because I wanted to do a sounding back pack_ never done it 😛
Nowadays things are better ( maybe a little bit more complicated ) as 1) there's internet BUT maybe a school book of basic electronics is better.
2) batteries like those for electric bikes ( Li-ion ) are great
3) Class D amplifiers save a lot of power ( they're much efficient ) though I'd never use them for home hi-fi
3) there are little speakers (3"-4") that are very good and quite cheap

You can start to disassemble some 2.1 pc speakers as they run on low voltage.
The transformer part needs a special attention because there is where the mains are attached- so there's danger if you don't pay attention...uh! safety first!

Cheers mate, Yeah I think I have to do research on YouTube or something. Thanks for your help
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