bora techno amplifier power supply

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This should do the job...


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Techno PC board layout


Can someone share the PC board layout for the Techno amplifier .
Today I purchased all the components for these amplifier trusting I will find somewhere the layout ..
Now I invested a lot of money to these amp and with out the PC board lay out I'm unable to go further , to build the amp .
Thanks for any help .
Right now I'm building the DoGC MKIII version design by Dr Bora but I read so many positive comments on the Techno amp I want to have one .


Thanks for the reply , I checked already Dr Bora website and only the schematic available .
I asked Carlos because he just finished his Techno but I only I get from him the green layout with the components .
With that I'm unable to make PC boards .
Yes is a good idea I will contact to Viktor may be He can help me .

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