Bluetooth Lightspeed attenuator

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Ok, here's an idea I'm toying with... it's easy enough to mod an existing lightspeed attentuator and add bluetooth connectivity to it.

Remove 100k stereo pot from the lightspeed
Add Arduino & bluetooth module (& smartphone)
Develop smartphone app / Arduino sketch

Once your smart phone is paired with the bluetooth module - a running "sketch" on the arduino will control 2 outputs PWM from 0 to 5v (which is not in the signal path of the audio signal)

Might be able to get by converting PWM output to analog voltage using a simple low pass filter (if it's too noisy, there are other methods)...

BTInterface Android Bluetooth controller for PC Laptop Arduino Raspberry Pi PIC and all Micro controllers. LADDER BASIC C++

I thought it be fun to give this a go; I've had my arduino controller sitting in a box untouched for over a year. This should be a nice little project.
Hmm... I always say that a talented DIY-er could do everything.

I also had an idea like you to generate PWM for the LDR LED part. I tested it with an Attiny25 MCU ($5) the pot read by an ADC and the PWM output was set according the ADC.
I think LEDs are slow enough, so the low pass filter may not be needed at all. But I did not have an Oscilloscope to test the LDR output with this.

Instead of bluetooth maybe you could start with a TSOP Ir receiver and the RC5 protocol for an infrared remote solution. It is a good project too.
For that not even an Arduino needed. It could be done with a single Atmel MCU.
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