big open baffle idea

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I want to make a big open baffle speaker 2 chanels in 1 big baffle close to a wall or as a room seperation.Is this a good idea and what do i have to watch for. I bought 2 chiare ch250 but they sound boomy in a small baffle (maybe it is my amplifier it has a 16 and a 8 ohm switch but not 4 ohm)

your driver resonates too much at the resonant frequency and all low frequencies for that matter. the qts is 1.3. bring it down by adding magnets to the back sold by ciare. one mag brings it down to 1, two down to .75. i recommend two. the efficiency goes up, and boominess goes down.
i can also recommend a sonic impact t amp or the vinnie rossi amp or the bolder cables amp; all use the same chip. this amp is cheap and loves 4 ohm loads. it will make about 8 watts. it has a high damping factor which is desirable with the open baffle as you do not have an air mass (as in ported speakers) or an air spring (as in sealed speakers) to control the motion of the driver.

don't give up on this driver.
planet 10, how is the baffle used to tame high qts? i understand the method of using a small baffle to avoid the f region of the driver's response, and then using a sub to add to the bottom, but what is the technique you to which you refer? the original poster already is using a small baffle.

thankyou for your attention.
Norbert accomplished this for the Ciare CH250 by calc'ing a baffle 1050X650cm with the driver 29/29cm offset.

This is the optimal configuration for this driver. I tried it and it works extremely well, as Planet10 suggests.
I don't pretend to know much about OBs (though I intend to try them out), but wouldn't imaging suffer if you just used the one baffle to mount a stereo pair in? Or am I barking up the wrong tree entirely here? (I'm feeling more than usually stupid today.)

Whilst on the subject, can anyone point me in the direction of a decent OB design spreadsheet or software that they've used and can reccommend?
Hello and thanks for replying

planet10 said:
As long as the baffle is out from the wall far enuff you should be fine... one big baffle thou makes it hard to play with toe-in.


How much space do they need? . I like to make them in front of a wall that is more like a frame with wood and windows in it between 2 rooms and i do not want to see thru it , maybe I can take the windows out .Yes it wil be hard to experiment with the position of the speakers

mor2bz said:
your driver resonates too much at the resonant frequency and all low frequencies for that matter. the qts is 1.3. bring it down by adding magnets to the back sold by ciare. one mag brings it down to 1, two down to .75. i recommend two. the efficiency goes up, and boominess goes down.
i can also recommend a sonic impact t amp or the vinnie rossi amp or the bolder cables amp; all use the same chip. this amp is cheap and loves 4 ohm loads. it will make about 8 watts. it has a high damping factor which is desirable with the open baffle as you do not have an air mass (as in ported speakers) or an air spring (as in sealed speakers) to control the motion of the driver.

don't give up on this driver.

No i wont give up i like the sound a lot . I have an old el84 pp amp i like it a lot it looks good and it sound good and there is a riaa pre amp in it for my record player. does the 16/8 ohm afect the damping factor or only the power? the output impedance of the tube is also transfomed but the amp probebly has feedback.

How can you calculate the responce of a openbaffle . I downloaded a spreadsheat from but it does not open. i use a mac and i used open office and it says that it is protected by a password . I know how to program a bit if someone knows the formulas i can maybe do so a aplet in java.

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