best sub(s) for 800 u.s.

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i'm looking for an amazing sub that goes really low and loud.a single sub or multiple subs.i also want quality sound and have a budget of 800.00 just for the woofer(s).i perfer a sealed box and the size does not matter, but open to ported.looking for something really impressive

any ideas or suggestions guys??
Personally, since budget doesn't really play into this, and since Ascendant's new line isn't available yet (as far as I know) you might as well stick with either a couple of Stryke Audio 15's or wait until Adire's new lines are readily available. 800 bucks would probably get you a top of the line Tumult 18 if you really want one. In any case, a pair a 15s would probably do you better, the Strykes are prettier and less expensive, but the Adires (depending on the line) will play lower and louder. I'd stick with sealed either way, just 'cuz that’s the way I am, but it depends on what you have to power this stuff.

If it were me, get a pair of Stryke 15s (if they're still available) and put the rest toward a decent power amp.
I would get as many TC sounds 15" drivers as you can afford from Or if sound quality is your absolute #1 priority, try 2 rythmick audio servo kits. For amps have a look at the BASH amps Oaudio or Parts express are selling now, or the Rythmik 380w 'deluxe version' amp.
thanks guys,i already have a quality 300w plate amp.i'm loking for a quality sub.the adire maelstrom18 and tumult18 looks good but i find no suggested enclosures for them on the adire site or anywhere else-not ever any pics on the adire site.
any other sub sugestions would be great
yes i noticed,the fact that they have them on their web site complete with price,but have no idea when they will be available is not impressing me.i was hoping to get some other suggestions.i'm searched but have not found anything that will go so low.
RE makes the XXX series subs which have a hefty 32mm one way excursion. They're XBL^2 also I believe. The only problem would be efficiency which is a whopping 91db for the 18" and only gets lower as cone area decreases. That and the "high" Fs that their subs have(from 25-30hz). Price, I cant even remember... less than $800 I hope
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