Best Pre-amp to build for a new DIYer?

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it depends on what you mean by advantage.

is point to point wiring easier than using PCB's? NO!

does point to point sound better than PCB's? ... i don't know. Others
with more experience may want to chime in here.

I would say there's nothing wrong with using PCB's to build this
project. Afterall the circuit is the skeleton which holds everything
toether - the most important part - how you dress it is up to you ;)

i used

I used the photopaper method....

first class photo paper , let it have the print on it ( a few times in a row so that the ink builds up) with a laser printer (not laserjet)

put the paper on regular pcb

iron with HOT iron (no steam)

after a few minutes!!!!! remove paper and start etching.
works perfect and needs hardly any or no repair

cheap is my third middle name



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Re: i used

Don't be affraid of the photo procedure!! I made BOZ PCB-s in Protel (I wanted my design), printed them out with an inkjet printer onto a paus paper (tranparent paper, and you can get by with an inkjet), used normal spotlight - 1000W (don't need UV light), then developed the board in fericloride, and etched it normaly as you would. It looks quite well, I'll post some pictures so you can see that it isn't that hard.
grataku said:
If you have to etch your boards for the BLS (which can be had for peanuts at old colony, with the soldermask etc), you might as well make the thing a dual mono with 2 PS and make provisions for dual discrete rectifier fast diodes and other worthwhile mods.

Very cool - old colony does have the boards!

Pardon my ignorance if I am completely off here, but why couldn't one build this as dual-mono simply buy cutting the board? Based on the artwork featured in the article, it appears that the two channels are connected only at ground... Does this have to do with mounting holes? Also, will this really make a difference in the sound, and why? I think I am missing something here...

Also, where can we find the info on the dual discrete rectifier, and what benefits will it bring to the design?

Thank you!!!

Grataku is talking about dual mono power supplies. One of the
power supply boards is adequite for both channels of the preamp,
but if you like you can add another PSU board and two more of
the transformers described in the article - for dual mono PSU's.

see Roberto's masterful Blue BOSOZ HERE
Hello David,

I wanted to make BOSOZ too, and looking to use pots from:

Look for CT1 or CT2 pots.

It's expensive, but you can read the raving reviews at their website.

I wanted to hear Diyaudio member experience before buying this pots. I heard that this pots is far superior from Alps blue velvet.
Their smallest value is 10K pots.

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