Bay Area, Randal Museum EF806 linestage class

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Hi guys, this is a last call for registering to take a DIY class at the Randall Museum in San Francisco.
This is the linestage I have brought to BA the last few years and Edwin briefly spoke about Jack Allianos 211 amps.
I am reposting an email from Edwin...

Hi Folks,

I'm doing the Linestage class @ the Randall this Jan. This will positively be the last class because the last of the chassis will be used. This is a superb linestage. The class is extremely fun, you will learn excellent building techniques and I will explain the circuit design in detail in layman's terms so all will "get it". Many of my students even the beginners move on to build hifi gear on their own!

The link below downloads the Randall PDF class announcement. Scroll towards the bottom to class #14419 (pg 16).

The Randall home page has a link to the SF Park and Rec class reg website but it's really lame and I'm told that Reg for winter 2010 classes won't be available until 12/12/2009.

If you have questions regarding how to register please contact:

Jill Cunninghis
Randall Museum Registrar

Feel free to forward this announcement to anyone who may be interested.

Happy Holidays

Edwin Yang
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