BatoMM amp.LM-bridge,consider to try it...

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this is an amplifier designed by Dragoljub Aleksijević-macolakg,and pcb designed by me. idea was to use good sides of bridge connection with remote sense directly from speaker connectors-so that all influences of cable from speaker to luodspeakers would be avoided. as Dragoljub modestly says; "it is nothing new - at least in precise measuring instruments" and the result is...

let´s say that i am really really pleased and after ten diy amplifiers here is a new one in a top three places! stereo picture is really something at this amplifier,it loves to play acustic guitar and female vocals,but nothing else does present opstical for this amp,sounds clear at all sound stages.

it can give about 100W of power but it has to be done carefully thermal connected with adequat heatsink,it works at low power in my house and i still haven´t "put the pedal to the metal" for a longer time but it really can rock the house-power is something that it does not missed here.

"social group" pcb is to mount four lower capacitance capacitors instead one high capacitance capacitor-benefits are lower esr and esl,along with lower price.

here are the files and some video... enjoj building and listening it!

BatoMM HiEnd amp.LM-bridge done by HomeMadeAudioProject - YouTube

(the zip file has it all in one,along with sprint6 file)


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my BatoMM amp:

(first picture is oscilogram with pure 8uF capacitance load at output)


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with and without remote sense connected to speaker terminals,with 1mm iron wire between amplifier and luodspeakers:

BatoMM HighEnd amp.LM-bridge Remote Sense - YouTube

it is clear how remote sense works!

only thing:remote sense MUST be connected along with loudspeakers,if you have dc-protection that has switch-on delay,remote sense must also have a delay and connect along with luodspeakers. luodspeakers can work without remote sense and with delay-amplifier will work all right.

but with remote sense connected to a speaker terminals untill protection-relay contacts are open amplifier will se that as a huge problem and will try to correct it,and that can lead to bourn out some components.

so you can use this amplifier using just internal protections from LM3886(read datasheet,it has a lot of them),

or using adittional external protection but connecting/disconnecting remote sense along with luodspeakers THAT IS A "MUST BE"!


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just do it as it is at layout for given pcb and it will work. the text means that R20 must be equal value as R28. other you can understand just looking at values and measure names.

it supposes to work at +/-27V for 8r load (2 x 20Vac) and +/-22V for 4r load (2x16Vac).

"Napomene" means notes,and all text under "Napomene" is short guidance how to do pcb as good as possible,where to put wich resistor,capacitor,what should be as close as possible to IC and what could be placed a bit further of it...

"Osobine" menas features,characteristics

"Damping faktor na 8ohm" means - dumping factor at 8r load

"Sum" means - noise

"Dugorocna stabilnost offseta" menas - long term off-set stability

"Stabilnost sa cistim kapacitivnim opterecenjem" menas - stability with pure capacity load

Dragoljub Aleksijevic Macola is a name of the designer,from Kragujevac- Serbia.

now there is a pcb with smd components too,and measured characteristics are...lets just say very very good.

the thing about this amplifier is that it has very uncolored sound,what you give into his input that is what you will get amplified at it´s output - so you would basicly listen to a sound of your preamlifier,amplified.

this is a searious peace of equipment,not yet much popular at but very very popular in Serbia at our forum and few other neighbour countries. we have done one group buy of 10 pairs of pcb and now we are doing other order but now for about 30-40 pairs of pcb´s.

BatoMM is great amplifier,and it has a good perspective. i wouldn´t be surprised to see it´s variation soon in any highely priced branded device.

greetings from near of the Belgrade!
I suggest you to create a account to download here Bato MM-Amp (LM-most by macolakg) Dokumentacija gerber files and BOM of V1. Gerber files format given there are not very friendly, i didn't manage to open them fully whereas i tryed with different software, but it is still really interesting. I plan to do two homemade with same routing and BOM, but doing pcb larger, by hand in a oldschool way with cutter and dremel work on a two side pcb, just for fun ^^
But if someone were generous enough to make some gerber files compatible with for example itead studio pcb factory, it would be ideal !

Edit : i don't speaker serbian too. But google translate is my friend 🙂
that should be Eagle files as i know. try those files in Eagle and if it doesn´t work i will do as much as i can to help you to get them.

just today we ended one group buy of BatoMM SMD ver.1.0. there were 90 PCB´s in that third group buy and there were about one hundred PCB´s in a first two. 42 PCB´s are now in Croatia and 12 will be soon in Macedonia. all the others are to be assembled here in Serbia.


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I never really used eagle, but trying to, i didn't manage to do anything with the V1 pcb files, whereas i opened often but not fully with other software. I have probably to admit that i must lake of experience with eagle. Since now, it's the first time of my life i don't know at all what to do with facing a software ! I just concluded that files were not compatible with eagle...but it seems that I am not compatible with eagle ^^
Just contacted itead pcb factory, they're just fine with the files. I ordered 10 pieces to build at least 3. On mouser, i came to 38€ components per amp, without power supply of course. For powwer supply i plane to make 1 smps for a two way bass guitar amp, and one linear PSU for a computer sub.
Waiting for pcb 😀
Received !
I'm a bit curious, I didn't notice on gerber files, can you explain the use of this track :

It seems connecting nowhere, there's no's same in gerber file... its a ground track connecting nowhere... maybe a shield track protecting from out- track????
there would be an empty space on that part of pcb if that track wasn´t there,and as it is it works just as you said 🙂

i haven´t seen your previous message,i am so glad that you will have an experience with this (kind of) amplifier. that would be first samples of an amplifier outside of EX-Yugoslavia,i hope you will enjoj it! 🙂
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