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Bang & Olufsen 8002 Turntable

I purchased this table in 2010, and while it's served me well since, the time for a change has come. It works without a hitch. The main board has been recapped, the tonearm carriage servo motor belt replaced, and the carriage rails cleaned and re-lubed. Cosmetically, the table is in very nice shape, with just a few small marks here and there, including one on the front rosewood piece.

Some background on the 8002.

$550. Local pick-up in Northern NJ.

I'll include an MMC2 cartridge. I had it rebuilt--new suspension, sapphire cantilever and nude line contact diamond--however, the stylus met an unfortunate end, and the cart currently needs to be re-tipped.

Beogram 8002-5.jpg Beogram 8002-4.jpg Beogram 8002-3.jpg Beogram 8002-2.jpg Beogram 8002-1.jpg