Audio Amp Design Books

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Bought Bob Cordell's new book from amazon.
Came across another book that's 39 years old.
At under $10, thought what could it hurt?
On the back cover it mentions vfets.
In the book,it states, vfets will be used more widely than BJT in the future. Too bad it wasn't so. 🙂


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What I was surprised about when I got the Douglas Self book was that he don't like FETs. So not much to learn regarding FETs in his book……..maybe I should look for the antique book mentioned here.

Self argue that degenerated BJTs are much more linear compared to degenerated FETs. Also Vgs mismatch he points out. Maybe he is right in generel terms and only a few FETs are really suited for audio amps…….but of course still a lot to learn from his book.

I remember when I got the book I was desperate looking for a FET symbol 🙂
Were any specific parts mentioned?

From reading the bit about VFETs in Audio Amolifers chapter, no VFET models are mentioned. There is a quasi-complimentary and complimentary simplified schematic for push-pull vfet amp.

maybe I should look for the antique book mentioned here

Although it's probably not a bad little reference and does go well into how things work, the Horowitz book talk mainly about BJT, JFETs and to a small degree VFETs. MOSFETs are not really talked about.

I don't think G. Randy Sloan like FETs either. He's more very interested in vanishingly low distortion numbers. Bob Cordell's book seems to offer great amount of info around MOSFETs. Bob's book is arriving tonight. 🙂
Is the "problem" with FETs that the really good ones are not made anymore?
Like the SemiSouth, Toshiba, Sony VFET etc?
Then we use the "usually suspects" like J113, IRFPXXX and maybe LSKXXX?
The LSK is quite expensive even that they are produced today. The 2SK's was quite cheap when they were produced long time ago?
A Horowitz under $10!!!

How to design and build audio amplifiers, including digital circuits by Horowitz, Mannie, 1980 can be had from Amazon or ABE for under $20.
9780830612062: How to Design and Build Audio Amplifiers, Including Digital Circuits - AbeBooks - Mannie Horowitz: 0830612068
A *limited* view can be read online at innernet Archive:
How to design and build audio amplifiers, including digital circuits : Horowitz, Mannie : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Amazon says I bought a copy in 2014 (for $6). Also its predecessor for a penny. I do not remember either one.
Amplifiers using lateral Mosfets started becoming popular in the early 80s. The Hafler DH-200 and DH-220 sold pretty well. They were very reasonably priced, especially in kit form. There were other makes that were introduced in the mid 80s, including the Aragon 4004 and the B&K ST-140, which were quite popular.
Now I have also ordered a used Horowitz at Amazon and I have the Cordell as E-book. It is quite nice to have it as E-book. Easy to browse around…..

About Horowitz.....there was also one which was quite good at playing piano...….