ASUS Tinkerboard Build

I am planning to do an ASUS Tinkerboard build

Asus Tinker Board S (not the cheaper non-S version)
Akasa A-RA03-M1B aluminium case
Volumio for Tinkerboard on a microSD card
Micro SD Card
PSU (I have a Supercaped PSU)
USB cables (Any good recommendations that are budget-friendly)

I will also add an OEHLBACH XXL MasterClock

Will update on the build if others are interested
Build TinkerBoard S with Salas L-adapter. With TinkerOS in eMMC chip it can be used as normal PC but in SD card it's laggy. So the extra money is well worth it IMHO.
Anyway, I'm using it for audio player with Volumio via an external usb card (Jlsounds) but planning to move to Ian's FIFO with isolator and recocker.
No many have tried it, so it's good to see what others come up with, do post when ready
The build is really straight forward
The Tinkerboard does not require a hat but responds well to a good power supply. You will need at least 2.5 amps to startup the board.
Sound quality is beyond my SOtM 200 Ultra Neo using the reclocker and about a 4th of the price.
Really surprised more people are not experimenting with this, to be honest. I like the Allo products. Great value but this matches that sense of value and has a better board for audio IMO
Indeed Tinkerboard response to changes in the power supply. IMO all the SOtM products are overpriced and I'm not surprised that a cheaper solution bested them.
I've install the youtube plugin yesterday in Tinker and there plugins for other services like Tidal or Spotify so some of the advantages of a PC now are non-issue. Still haven't done an in-depth comparison with my dedicated Audio PC (linear PSU) but the conclusion so far is that they are very close.

I think that the competition from boards like Tinkerboard made the Rasp4 possible much faster, this is only good news the consumer. As I have written with OS in eMMC slot HD Youtube playback is possible, in other words we've got a computer in the palm of our hands and no longer we have to rely on proprietary systems from big companies. Future is bright.
At the moment I am using a battery with 5v converter it is better than the SMPS
The OEHLBACH XXL MasterClock is certainly helping 2
Here is a summary of my build
Asus Tinker Board S
Akasa A-RA03-M1B aluminium case
Volumio for Tinkerboard on a 16gb microSD card
12v Battery with 5v converter Will update in future
Footers (I use Black Ravioli Pads x 2)
USB cable a JuiceBitz USB going to reclocker with 2 IFi USB silencers Will upgrade cable in future
OEHLBACH 13904 XXL MasterClock Jitter Cleaner High-End USB 1 Black Ravioli footer
Oylide USB Cable to DAC
Very clean dynamic sound
It is a lot easier to build than a pi as has no hat to add on and very simple to put in the case.
Very good setup, I'm gonna upgrade to Ian's FIFO with reclocker in the near future because that's what I was aiming for in the first place. Anyway a good clock is all needed. I'm now using an all-in-one solution, a I2SoverUSB from Jlsounds.
For power supply I've tried the LT1083 (which can be found very cheaply in the net nowadays) with very good results, it was more musical than the L-Adapter I'm now using and has a neutral character.
Battery is another option. All these are fairly inexpensive and take have quite small footprint, so they can be fitted in a chassis along with a DAC.
All in all very statisfied with Tinkerboard and IMO worth the extra cash for the S version.
I'm wondering why you've put the OS in SDCardl while the eMMC runs faster or maybe you are experimenting with other OS ?
Super capacitors, only seen them powering lower consumption digital devices. Since Tinker power supply make a difference, I expect them also to do so. I'm interested if the music is as dynamic as a linear psu.
Edit: just read your comments, could you be more specific ? Especially about dynamics and the width and depth of the music scene with this power supply
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I have found that I prefer supercapacitors in my LPS to a standard Linear Power supply I used to have a Hypex LPS
I would say over the battery on the Tinckerboard there is an increase in depth, dynamics and soundstage. The sound is more realistic. The noise floor has decreased also
I am also using Temple Audio Superchargers with my Mono Blocs which uses Supercapacitors
My biggest take away from this is that the Tinkerboard is sensitive to what is powering it
Thanks a lot for the feedback. I will put super capacitors to my do list. In the following days I'll do an A/B test along with some friends of mine, between my Audio PC and Tinkerboard. No matter the outcome, I'm already very satisfied with it.