Astrology - what a whopping great load of rubbish.

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"She has an electric blender, electric toaster, electric bread maker. Then she said "There are too many gadgets, and no place to sit down! So what did I do? Bought her an electric chair."
- Henny Youngman
Today I got given a photocopy of a page out of a 1953 Young Womens educational book on how a new wife should treat her husband, and has to be one of the funniest things I have ever read.
I'll type the content tomorrow.

Eric / - Off To My GF's Place Now - Not Silly Enough To Get Married.
Re: I Say With Conviction.....


mrfeedback said:

If it looks like manure,........and smells like manure.........then it probably is manure, and I will happily regard it as manure until shown otherwise.
To call astrology a 'science' is to insult scientists.
Star-sign predictions are just frivolous entertainment, and should be regarded as only that.
Tarot cards are frivolous entertainment too, and not to be taken at all seriously.

From your comments I can see that you have absolutely NO knowledge of the Subject you are discussing that extends past the popular Tarot books (if as much) and the "Horoscope" Columns in your Tabloids. This disqualifies you COMPLETELY from having any serious opinion on the subject as you have no idea what you speak of.

If you did actually understand Astrology in the sense of it Science (not the Carny Gipsy tricks) or indeed Tarot, I Ching and similar systems you would moderate your statements.

Well, Ignorance is Strength, they say....

So, I repeat you seem to subscribe to an extremely closeminded fixed belief system.


I Further Say With Conviction.....

Kuei Yang Wang said:
From your comments I can see that you have absolutely NO knowledge of the Subject you are discussing that extends past the popular Tarot books (if as much) and the "Horoscope" Columns in your Tabloids. This disqualifies you COMPLETELY from having any serious opinion on the subject as you have no idea what you speak of.

I have met people that I regard as genuine psychics, who have shown and taught me many interesting things.
Notable is that NONE of these get into the areas of prediction or soothsaying, because those that I have met do not believe that this is possible.
Knowing is to have proof, believing is to follow like a blind sheep.
The world is full of belief systems, and not allowing my mind to be fixated on any of them leaves me with a clear and open mind, and able to discern and differentiate for myself.
Keeping such an open mind has enabled me to explore and understand concepts that are way over the head of the average university trained (indoctrinated) student, and indeed come up with some products that defy conventional explanation but do indeed work, and very well at that - Stuart has some idea of what I mean by this, and a few musos are fully sold on the concept too.

If you can teach me about how it is possible to reliably predict the future I will listen, but you will need to show convincing proofs.

Re: I Further Say With Conviction.....


mrfeedback said:

If you can teach me about how it is possible to reliably predict the future I will listen, but you will need to show convincing proofs.

Who claimed that it was possible to make accurate predictions of the Future? Astrology does not claim such a thing. It is more an issue of probabilities, general influences.

Hence my point that practically all openly promoted supposed Astrological/Esotheric systems/products are as much pure invention without basis in reality as is the case for many Audio Tweaks. Hence my point of the SCIENCE of Astrology, not the Carny folk version.

Re: Re: I Further Say With Conviction.....

Kuei Yang Wang said:

Who claimed that it was possible to make accurate predictions of the Future? Astrology does not claim such a thing. It is more an issue of probabilities, general influences.

Probabilities are fine by me; we have mathematical tools for extracting really tiny amounts of significance given enough data...

Probabilities are fine by me; we have mathematical tools for extracting really tiny amounts of significance given enough data...

The proponents of Astrology always amphasize what kind of old art it would be. I do however think that it was simply impossible in earlier day to gather and compare enough data to get valid results.

Me personally don't expect any planet or whatever having influence on my fate or whatever. The influence of gravity or whatever of a truck passing your house is quite larger than the influence of Jupiter !!



phase_accurate said:

The proponents of Astrology always amphasize what kind of old art it would be. I do however think that it was simply impossible in earlier day to gather and compare enough data to get valid results.

Hmmm. The ancients had large amounts of time (not just a few dozend years) through which to collect Data. And they had some brilliant heads too.

phase_accurate said:

Me personally don't expect any planet or whatever having influence on my fate or whatever. The influence of gravity or whatever of a truck passing your house is quite larger than the influence of Jupiter !!

You may expect whatever you wish, however reality does not give a flying french coitus about what you expect....

Again, if you knew ANYTHING about the subject you would not have commented on one planet. It is not ONE planet that is the point here. Things are jolly complex and as with things where the data is plentiful the minus's and plus's average more or less out. Few people I have come across have any outstanding natal charts, yet virtually all outstanding individuals do...

Think about the attached picture and it's significance....



  • alignment.jpg
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haldor said:
I find this thread a very interesting window into the critical thinking skills of some of the imates of this place. This will help to better interprete/evaluate what you have to say on other subjects.

I find it rather more of an illustration how people simply adopt, remaining fully ignorant of the actual subject, other peoples opinions and prejudices as their own, instead of actually attempting to understand the subjedct and to make their minds up after a considered and informed review of the subject. In fact ANY critical facilities are disabed under a blanket of presumed, third or fourth hand "fact"....

It reminds of Castrati married to virgins giving advise on matter of pillow talk....

I'm Listening........

Kuei Yang Wang said:
Who claimed that it was possible to make accurate predictions of the Future? Astrology does not claim such a thing. It is more an issue of probabilities, general influences.
Anything on this planet has more influence than any celestial body.
Probabilities, influences...... Sounds like whole heap of hot air to me.
Hence my point that practically all openly promoted supposed Astrological/Esotheric systems/products are as much pure invention without basis in reality as is the case for many Audio Tweaks. Hence my point of the SCIENCE of Astrology, not the Carny folk version.

There are audio tweaks that do work very effectively and reproducably - I know about one profound one that has passed double-blind testing with flying colours, and repeatably.
So just what is this SCIENCE as you describe it - I have invited you to elaborate, so by all means educate all of us about what exactly this SCIENCE is.

You may expect whatever you wish, however reality does not give a flying french coitus about what you expect....

Hmmmm, back to you confrontational side again I see.

Again, if you knew ANYTHING about the subject you would not have commented on one planet. It is not ONE planet that is the point here. Things are jolly complex and as with things where the data is plentiful the minus's and plus's average more or less out. Few people I have come across have any outstanding natal charts, yet virtually all outstanding individuals do...
Plusses and minuses averaging out to what ? - ZERO ?.
I thought as much.
You seem to be the expert on this subject, so educate us, enthrall us, enlighten us about exactly what this 'Astrology' thing is all about.
Also, just what is the significance of your attached drawing.

Eric / - Still Keeping An open Mind.
I said:

haldor[/i] I find this thread a very interesting window into the critical thinking skills of some of the imates of this place. This will help to better interprete/evaluate what you have to say on other subjects.[/QUOTE] You replied: [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kuei Yang Wang said:
I find it rather more of an illustration how people simply adopt, remaining fully ignorant of the actual subject, other peoples opinions and prejudices as their own, instead of actually attempting to understand the subjedct and to make their minds up after a considered and informed review of the subject. In fact ANY critical facilities are disabed under a blanket of presumed, third or fourth hand "fact"....

It reminds of Castrati married to virgins giving advise on matter of pillow talk....

I find it interesting that you assumed both that my comment was directed at you and that it was negative. Didn't take much for you to then go on to making direct attacks at me from your own prejudices and ignorance about me.

Feeling a little defensive are we?


haldor said:

I find it interesting that you assumed both that my comment was directed at you and that it was negative. Didn't take much for you to then go on to making direct attacks at me from your own prejudices and ignorance about me.

Actually, my comment was a corollary to yours, not directed at you. If you choose to take it personal, well that can't be helped, but it was never intended such.

Kuei Yang Wang said:

Actually, my comment was a corollary to yours, not directed at you. If you choose to take it personal, well that can't be helped, but it was never intended such.


Nice try, except you quoted me in your message and then starting going off about people not thinking for themselves. That makes it a little less general.

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