Astrology - what a whopping great load of rubbish.

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Those old geezers among us that were listening to music even in the late 60's, would well remember that song "Age of Aquarius" from the musical show Hair. The words of the same were heralding the coming of that Age, which I am fairly sure was to be January 2000. The age beginning 01/01/2000 was touted to be filled with all kinds of wonderful things, as several lines and words from the song, with capital letters removed and commas inserted to make it ordinary speech rather than copyrighted I.P. (Intellectual property?!?! HAH! But that's another joke for another day.) :rolleyes:

...then peace will guide the planets, and love will steer the stars, this is the dawning of the age of Aquarius... harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust abounding, no more falsehoods or derisions etc etc

Well then, is that new-age nonsense a reliable guide to just how the real world actually turned out?

Other people are entitled to think what they like of course, and perhaps publicly state it too, but I am waiting for the day when people will finally realise that there are actually such things as absolute right and wrong, correct and incorrect. That these don't change according to mean, averaged, generalised, overall whim of whatever a certain vocal group of people what to assert at any particular time.

Star Trek's Scotty got it right when he said "Ah canna chenge the laws of physics, Cap'n". Some things are just plain right and wrong. Get over it.

/Circlotron - quickly looks for his flame-proof shelter.
Let me make the suggestion, then, that the effectiveness of one's new *magic power cord* is determined by the month of it's manufacture. And if you don't synergistically correlate that date with the colour of your speaker wires then you may as well give up. :rolleyes:

GRRR :redhot: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling:
Ignorance is Strength


Circlotron said:
Those old geezers among us that were listening to music even in the late 60's, would well remember that song "Age of Aquarius" from the musical show Hair. The words of the same were heralding the coming of that Age, which I am fairly sure was to be January 2000. The age beginning 01/01/2000 was touted to be filled with all kinds of wonderful things, as several lines and words from the song, with capital letters removed and commas inserted to make it ordinary speech rather than copyrighted I.P. (Intellectual property?!?! HAH! But that's another joke for another day.) :rolleyes:

Well, ignoring what charlatans, wannabe's, flase prophets and the press tauts, we are indeed still in the Age of Pices, though it's winding down. PROPER ASTROLOGY (which is very much a real, reputable science) places the beginning of the Age of Aquarius to around 2070..2080 and I'd bet my bottom Dollar NOT in Jannuary.

So indeed, the trials and tribulations at the end of an age are still going on and will contine on...

As to AstroLogia, it is based on a principle (which is now often considered Hermetic in nature, which it may be considerably more antique however, assigned to the old Egyptian Toth [who was later elevated to a Deity by his descedents]) that is both simple and complex:

"That which is above is like that which is below and that which is below is like that which is above, to achieve the wonders of the one thing."

If one looks (for example) at the various AstroLogical Constellations for both the actual Birthday of YsHVH and his Baptism by John (corrected for calendar reforms etc of course) it becomes clear that in both cases the MOST EXTRAORDINARY things where to be expected from this person.

I would not be so rash to simply discount Astrology out of hand (or Feng Shui BTW) simply because most that claim to "practice" these most ancient Art's and Craft's are charlatans any more than I would Christ (YsHVH) simply because so far not a SINGLE ONE Xtian group known to me is NOT GUILTY of: "having shut up the kingdom of the heavens before men (and having thrown away the KEYS in the scripture for good measure!!!) . Not only do they not go in, neither do they permit those on their way to going in." (paraphrased from Mt 23:13)

I would recommend to first investigate a subject before making claims about it's relevance and even then it is often better to merely express some guarded scepticism.

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

Hamlet Act i Sc. 5.

Don't forget that the insulation has to be made out of pure silk, spun by Japanese virgins. This has to happen at midnight during full moon of course.
A further significant improvement can be achieved by soaking the whole arrangement with some kind od rare liquid like civil servant's sweat. ;)


Feng Shui

And if you don't synergistically correlate that date with the colour of your speaker wires then you may as well give up

Psycho-acoustic Feng Shui,
Perhaps this is the brave new world in high-end audio. Balancing the energy of the your environment with the perceived performance of your audio equipment.

Sounds a lot like the process of convincing my wife why we need new speakers.


Do Tang Bands have positive or negative feng shui? Everyone have fun to night, everyone Wang Chung tonight.
PROPER ASTROLOGY is very much a real, reputable science?

It's pretty easy to find evidence for anything after the fact. The September 11 terrorist attacks were predicted in Revelations, right? Or so I've been told.
I'm still planning to put a picture of my amplifier in the freezer, 'cause it will improve the sound.
paulb said:
Damn! I'll probably have to upgrade my freezer, the one in my camper van sounds much cleaner.

It's the virtues of battery power. You might want to try single-crystal demagnetized copper power cords on your home freezer. I find that changing to them makes the frozen pizza seem more flavorful, more like the real thing. Make sure you try the cable in both directions- this can give night and day differences.
Re: PROPER ASTROLOGY is very much a real, reputable science?

paulb said:
It's pretty easy to find evidence for anything after the fact. The September 11 terrorist attacks were predicted in Revelations, right? Or so I've been told.
I'm still planning to put a picture of my amplifier in the freezer, 'cause it will improve the sound.

Not just a picture of your amplifier, but of yourself as well. If you just use a picture of your amplifier, it will only affect your amplifier. Using pictures of yourself, it will affect every system you listen to. Carol Clark at Audio Musings did this and found that the systems at CES sounded much better, even though they were hundreds of miles away from Carol's freezer.

According to Peter Belt:

To restore a significant temporal (time) symmetry to any person's senses, it is necessary to acquire one photograph which was exposed when the person was young and another photograph exposed when the person was older. Each photograph is placed, individually, into it's own clear plastic bag. The two plastic bags, each containing a spaced time photograph of the same individual, should be placed inside the freezer compartment of the domestic refrigerator. This will create a most unusual beneficial phenomenon. After placing the two separate photographs within the freezer compartment, either live or recorded music should be played within the listening room. A significant improvement to the musical sound should have taken place. Removing the photographs from the freezer compartment should produce an immediate adverse response if the music is played again. Replacing the two photographs within the freezer compartment will immediately restore the beneficial improvement in the sound. It should be noted that it is not necessary for the photographs to reach the low temperature of the freezer compartment. This experiment demonstrates that within the freezer compartment, there exists a high degree of symmetry and that this symmetrical condition is imposed on the temporal asymmetric condition of the two chronologically spaced photographs and is, in turn, imposed on the senses of the human subject of the photographs. It is unfortunate that the vast majority of people, including many who work in science and technology, do not appreciate that a photograph functions within the quantum mechanical world.

Some tweaks that might work.

Did you use a JPEG picture? If so, the lossy compression will result in greater SNR. Try using a plain old chemically developed print, the resolution is always better. And use black and white, less colouration that way.

I also suggest disconnecting the freezer's compressor. As everyone knows, any compressor in the signal path will only screw up the headroom inside the enclosure. I mean, how are you going to fill it with Canadian beef if there's not enough headroom. Besides, a compressor is not necessary if you've used the proper cable from the power supply to the temperature transducers.

Also, try tweaking the room. I find that too many basement installations have too much concrete, which cause temperature fluctuation near the door. Is it possible to make a separate room just for it? Levelling the floor might also help keep the sound more airy by minimizing any vibrations resonating into the circuitry.

One other thing. Get a separate freezer. I find that when they are integrated with a refrigeration unit, that they just aren't as effective. Convenient yes, but lacking the real capability to deliver volume when needed.

Good luck. I hope this helps.

PROPER ASTROLOGY (which is very much a real, reputable science).......
Yeah right, sure thing !.
Astrology ? - Just another fixed belief system. :rolleyes:
Peter Belt ? - A public service announcement about the dangers of consuming psychoactive drugs.
Carol Clark ? - A public service announcement about the dangers of sharing psychoactive drugs.

Eric / - I tried putting myself in the freezer but then I couldn't hear the stereo.

See Random BS Text Generator attached.


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Whether you believe in it or not, the problem with astrology is rooted in chaos.

For me to expect that there is a significant influence on my life from celestial events is like saying there is direct correllation between a mosquito flapping it's wings and the subsequent air currents of a tropical storm on the other side of the planet. Mathematically, there may be a connection, but the influence would be so small and random as to be insignificant.

I read the horoscopes for fun, just as I play the lottery for fun. If it comes true, I chalk it up to odds. At some point, the monkeys will type out the entire works of Shakespeare, but you won't see me betting my life savings on it.

I am willing to bet, however, that DIYers usually don't believe in astrology as that also means that our individual lives are also not DIY


KYW, er [ THORSTEN] is absolutely right on everey point he makes, because I ALSO HAPPEN TO BELEIVE, as newton discovered , every action has an equal and opposite reaction, so to me it stands to reason that there may have been some influences on me and everyone else at the time of my or their birth:devily: :nod: my two ex wifes and an ex fianceé star chart and personal characterisrtics bear this out, to me at least though I AM by nature the most sceptical of people, so if I am partially convinced of this, to my logical line of thinking there must be some small grain of truth to it:xeye: cheers and best regards TC so what happen to the WMD's georgie boy huh?, sorry to hijack the post with this last line but the devil in me made me do it:devily: cheers and best regards TC:eek:
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