Are youngers being more stupid?

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When I was 10 I started making printed circuit boards with acid. I would buy a big bottle of it from Radio Shack no questions asked. I learned the hard way what happens if you get some of the acid on your clothes. Nobody seemed to think this was unusual or alarming.

I'm pretty sure that's verboten today. Gotta take a class and get a license first. It's too dangerous for amateurs.

I have never bought this acid on the internet. I still have one big bottle of Radio Shack etching acid left. Is it a big deal to buy and ship?

Ferric Chloride can be bought on Amazon. Not sure if that's the same etchant you used.

I did one or two tries at etching my own PCBs, but with how busy I am I gave it up and just started using JLCPCB.
Mouser still apparently has ferric chloride. I still have about half a gallon left, from Fry’s when they still had it. No license, but must be shipped ground service (can’t fly - always been that way).

The solution itself isn’t especially dangerous, other than being a strong oxidizer hence the transport restrictions. Get it on your hands and it wont kill you, but turn your hands orange for a good long while and dry your skin out horribly. What is hazardous and must be disposed of properly is the spent solution, which is loaded with toxic copper ion.
In Sweden (like elsewhere) we have problems with young people who are into gangs dealing with drugs, weapons, girls, cigarettes the whole kaboo.
If someone is stepping on somebodys toes (territory), out comes the gun and the intruder (ans some innocent bystanders) become victims.

It’s like these 20 year old ”supermen” doesn’t understand the consequencies from firing a REAL gun in public places. They themselves aren’t immortal either. ”You shot my cousin, so it’s OK to place a bomb underneath your car and I give a damn if your 4 year old daughter is in it when the bomb go off ....)
I can say that whole mess of knifing, arm twisting, shooting and bombing sure happened before video games came about.

From what I've seen, it's also very often people other than gamers who are causing the problem. A lot of those were kids who witnessed some pretty horrific things at home. Going to an inner-city high school, I could see that some kids obviously had it much harder than others.

Imagine growing up in a house where one of your parents was dealing drugs, your mother was frequently held at gunpoint as part of negotiations and you've watched a family member get shot. That kind of thing has a detrimental impact on people of all ages, but imagine watching growing up with that kind of thing from a very young age. These are usually the kids who cause major problems. Some of them manage to get through it and become positive, productive members of society, but it takes a lot of help (from one person or another) to do that. As a society, we aren't great at getting kids that kind of help.

So from what I've seen, the problem isn't necessarily the gruesome violence in games, but rather things that are happening in real life.
I experienced some of that. My Mother tried to kill my Father three times, they both drank and she became an alcoholic, and constantly argued and fought.

I was hit, belittled, derided, and disparaged, every other day by my Father, who damaged my left eye, and despite coming first at school in four end of term successive reports.

In my early twenties I paid for two years of TA which helped, but my sense of lack of self belief has never recovered really from the early imprinting.

I became a juvenile delinquent in my teens, and carried out some thefts, but never was caught. My Mother encouraged me to take up cycling, I think to focus energy on something, and this made me so tired I used to fall asleep at school. (250 miles a week at 13).

You cannot get the 'ghetto' fully out of the boy.
I had thought of Sweden as relatively liberal and free of that stuff.
Especially in the major cities, youngsters shooting youngsters has been on the menue for a long time. It’s easy to blame the government or politician or the “society”, but a massive immigration and a rather hopeless situation for immigrants, lack of jobs, of way to properly learn Swedish, adopt to their new home country and being settled in worndown suburbs, has been a good ground for extremists and thugs to prosper.

I think there were many more shootings in Sweden than in Germany. And there were more than a 100 bombings last year.
Bombings in Sweden - Wikipedia
Mouser still apparently has ferric chloride. I still have about half a gallon left, from Fry’s when they still had it. No license, but must be shipped ground service (can’t fly - always been that way).

The solution itself isn’t especially dangerous, other than being a strong oxidizer hence the transport restrictions. Get it on your hands and it wont kill you, but turn your hands orange for a good long while and dry your skin out horribly. What is hazardous and must be disposed of properly is the spent solution, which is loaded with toxic copper ion.

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Perhaps they're just over-socialized to the point of dreading any face-to-face confrontation or any questioning of their beliefs. You may be getting the 'ok boomer' treatment
In the cases I was thinking of, it was peer to peer disgust with overly PC/SJW behavior. I was a bystander. It's true that a lot of them are very shy and don't like face-to-face interactions at all. Maybe only child syndrome? Fear of authority? I honestly don't know.
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Joined 2018
Naturally, we live in an age of digitalization and young people are addicted to the Internet.

A bit of an ironic statement...

I wouldn't consider it a "natural" thing, there's nothing natural about it.
And addictions are better defined as a sickness, a human mental weakness.
Such things cause slanted ways of thinking, interfering with reasoning, akin to brainwashing, and we all know the younger mind is far more prone and vulnerable to being steered than the older crowd.
That's just another way of saying younger people are more open minded than their older more stubborn elders... It's also why some younger people recognize climate change is happening and that masks help reduce the spread of Covid instead of saying things like covid is a hoax or the earth is flat...
When I was 10 I started making printed circuit boards with acid. I would buy a big bottle of it from Radio Shack

We didn't have a Radio Shack, so We used a home brew concoction of pool acid and hydrogen peroxide. Once Lafayette Radio Electronics came to town we used Ferric Chloride. Ordinary masking tape made for an acceptable resist. Tape up the whole board, draw the pattern on it, then cut away the uncolored area with an X-acto knife.

Ferric Chloride can be bought on Amazon. Not sure if that's the same etchant you used...Is it a big deal to buy and ship?

My Radio Shack supplies have dwindled from over 10 bottles to less than two, so I got a 1 gallon jug from Ebay. It works just fine. It came in a UPS truck.

When I completed my degree in 2015, and during the 4 years of study, all course work is checked for plagiarism and outright cheating.

Most colleges have access to a computer program that can check the text from a student's submission against popular cheating sources, and generate a percentage score of how close the two papers are. It can also check two students papers against each other. One of my brothers is a well published PHD, and associate dean of a med school, where cheating can lead to deadly consequences later in life.

Noticing the similarities, I had him check a piece of my web site against that of web site belonging to another forum member. He said that the computer gave a 40 something percentage score indicating definite "borrowing" but not an outright copy. The program also highlighted exactly copied passages, of which there were several. This would have caused trouble for a student who turned it in.

The body of work involved electrical safety, so I chose to ignore it, and that web site no longer seems to work.

I got my degree first college degree in 1993 at age 40. Near the end of the program a teacher stated that all students had to do an analog electrical design project. It could be a paper design, a real hardware design, or both.

We were given a week to come up with a project, a proposal with design goals, and measurement criteria. Course grade would be determined by the effort used, the goals, and how well your project measured up to those goals.

A week later each student stood up in front of the class, discussed the project, the goals, and how the performance would be measured.

There were about 20 students, most with simple projects, but there were a few that were pretty detailed. I stated that I would build a car stereo system, and I had the usual performance measurements for such a system (power, THD...) but I laid down an all or nothing challenge. I looked at the teacher and said that "your head would hit the roof of my car when I turned it up, or I deserve to fail"......I got an "A." No tubes were involved.....this was 1992, near the peak of my solid state years, and I worked for a company that made silicon.

There was another student who also worked at Motorola with me. He approached me at work and offered me $500 to do his senior electrical design project for him. I refused.

As the deadline for the project drew near he became more insistent, and tried to enlist other Motorolans for help. I saw that his "project" was lifted directly from a 10 year old electronics magazine, so I decided to discuss the situation with the teacher. The teacher said that he fully understood the situation, but due to a complex situation, he could not discuss it. He did let me see that he had the magazine article in question in his possession.

That student would fail that course, but return to take it again....and fail again. He would eventually fail enough courses to pretty much ensure that he would never get an engineering degree. Once the options to "buy" a degree had run their course, he turned to the next option.....sue the school claiming discrimination. I remember the teacher screaming "I'm not discriminating against you because you are Iranian, I am discriminating against you because you are stupid, and as far as I know there is no law against that." The school, however caved in and gave this idiot an engineering degree.

Armed with that, he came after Motorola wanting to be made an engineer. This led to his "promotion" to "quality control engineer" and given a desk at the end of an assembly line that was being phased out. When the line was closed, all were laid off including the "engineer." On his way out he made some statements in front of many witnesses about returning to the plant with his guns and shooting the place up. This led to handcuffs and a long ride in the back of a cop car......we never saw him again!
That's just another way of saying younger people are more open minded than their older more stubborn elders... It's also why some younger people recognize climate change is happening and that masks help reduce the spread of Covid instead of saying things like covid is a hoax or the earth is flat...

I don't think stupidity has a demographic. There seems to be just as many stupid old people around as young, based on what we see in the media, and experience locally. Saying young people are stupid because there are addicted to their smart phones is a bit misguided IMHO.

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Joined 2018
That's just another way of saying younger people are more open minded than their older more stubborn elders... It's also why some younger people recognize climate change is happening and that masks help reduce the spread of Covid instead of saying things like covid is a hoax or the earth is flat...

It's not so much about that we're older, but that we're wiser, have more solid, real-world experience, and see the world with aged glasses for more reality than is tossed at us from across a tiny screen.

Older minds tend to be much less susceptible than young, easily vulnerable ones.
In general, of course.
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