Are there any Female Members Here??

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Just another Moderator
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Hi Skinnyboy,

Just don't be blind to the possibility of others because you are waiting for this particular one. You may be waiting a very long time, and miss out on someone special :)

One other possibility I guess is that she is playing hard to get to make you more interested, but I wouldn't count on it......


Baffle her with speakers...

SkinnyBoy said:
she has her priorities, and a boyfriend isn't high on the list...
Don't act with a boyfriend/girlfriend mindset. Tell her about your cool new speakers you actually *made yourself*. Invite her to bring her favourite CD around and give her opinion. Chances are your stereo will wipe the floor with anything she normally listens to and consequently you will look like boy wonder in her eyes. With any luck she will tell her best friend all about it/you etc.

Approaching the situation with a potential boyfriend/girlfriend mentality only makes things awkward. Just treat her like she was your sister except don't punch her or pull her hair. Most girls really like (and in fact WANT to like) a bloke (guy) who doesn't put all these expectations on the situation. Their dream is to have a friend who is a boy. That's why they often feel comfortable with bloody poofters. Don't act like them though!! Be yourself. Above all, don't try and act cool. If that's the kind of person she wants, look elswhere.

/Circlotron - knows how to talk to girls now, but didn't when it really mattered. :rolleyes: :bawling:
Re: Baffle her with speakers...

Circlotron said:

Don't act with a boyfriend/girlfriend mindset. Tell her about your cool new speakers you actually *made yourself*. Invite her to bring her favourite CD around and give her opinion. Chances are your stereo will wipe the floor with anything she normally listens to and consequently you will look like boy wonder in her eyes. With any luck she will tell her best friend all about it/you etc.

Approaching the situation with a potential boyfriend/girlfriend mentality only makes things awkward. Just treat her like she was your sister except don't punch her or pull her hair. Most girls really like (and in fact WANT to like) a bloke (guy) who doesn't put all these expectations on the situation. Their dream is to have a friend who is a boy. That's why they often feel comfortable with bloody poofters. Don't act like them though!! Be yourself. Above all, don't try and act cool. If that's the kind of person she wants, look elswhere.

/Circlotron - knows how to talk to girls now, but didn't when it really mattered. :rolleyes: :bawling:

Hmmm... yes... I could go into details with everything you said.. but I'll just say thanx for the advice.. :)

my speakers aren't finished yet... lol and my amplifier is too weak to run them anyway. :p (I am working on a new one) when I say "run" I mean shake the windows run... lol
li_gangyi said:
ohhh....5 years...must have been painful for you huh??

you really only post for the sake of posting..... I have noticed so many occasions where you post even though you have nothing co contribute, or really don't know what you are talking about, or say something that has already been said.... whats the point? please post a little less... nearly every thread I look at has some input by you, and more often than not, its not usefull input....
wow, 52 posts and no females yet!

my computer science classes are about 3 girls to 80 guys ..

oh yeah, and my gf fully supports my addiction to diy (which is on hiatus currently) as long as i don't ignore her, or spend ALL of the money on the diy stuff ..
she thinks its wicked that i made my own amp, and she's totally against kits .. scratch or nothing!

I sympatize skinnyboy, but so far all I can say is that boys seekin womens, even here, just cause troubles and leads to periodic illness:D . Well, i guess they just don't read Off topics... And I don't care about the person who stands behind his DIY ID, I f I need to see girls, I just walk outside and find em ;) . This thread actually looks like a patetic call for girls from girlshunter somewhere in the gungle :):):). I wonder what we could answer to the first one replying here, probably something like : Hey your a girl... and this would be the end of it !

I just can't believe you own such a post account :bigeyes:. I believe you might be skinnyboy N°2 but where dyou post? I mean, I've not seen your avatar alot on spks/amp other forums...
Tell me who are you ? And BTW, are you a guy or a girl ;)

Oh yes we were taling about girls, well they're on their way! There was a big boom last few years in electric and electronic business, furthermore, I don't think this could have any impact on this forum at all :D . The girls I know for the moment wont listnen to music that much... And when they do, its more a question of atmosphere, its certainly not a passion or a passtime. Rare are the ones who really sit and listnen, fortunatly, they are all gathered here:devilr:
Their dream is to have a friend who is a boy. That's why they often feel comfortable with bloody poofters. Don't act like them though!! Be yourself. Above all, don't try and act cool. If that's the kind of person she wants, look elswhere.

That's the safest route but also the one most likely to lead nowhere. Girls can make you feel on top of the world one day and make you feel like crap the next. When a girl enjoys talking to you on the phone more than being with you, it's time to cut it off, trust me. If you find yourself in the position of a big sister, look elsewhere.
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