Are generic Ebay component testers any good?

Hi dynoPort

What information does it show other than the ohm's ? Does it say it is a capacitor?
For a film capacitor to go to a few ohms, I guess it would be a big value cap, and the measuring frequence would be quite high.

A little math…

The impedance can be calculated using this formula R = 1 / ( 2 * PI * F * C )
Since we do not know F ( Frequency ) we can use what we do know. Lets say you film cap is 470nF and it's said 2-3 ohms. Then we get:

F = 1 / ( 2 * PI * 470e-09 * 3 ) -> 112.875 KHz

Is that plausible as testing frequency for such a circuit?
ESR varies with value.


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