Are cheap speakers worth?

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Hello everyone.

I'm currently listening to Sharp GF777. And I'm quite happy with it. The sound quality isn't that bad, especially with external woofer. Anyway, I was thinking of building a pair of cheap speakers with some chipamp like LM3886. The question is, will the new system sound better?
The speakers should cost no more 40$ each. I was thinking of Visaton BG20 (or similar) with some tweeter in a 30-40l box.
Any suggestions/ideas?
You might want to try tweaking the speakers first. If you like the sound already, then try to make what you have better first. Brace the cab, damp the driver basket, maybe even treat the cone with dammar varnish.

Keep in mind that speaker building can be addictive. It's a great hobby.
The price doesn't tell the whole story. There is validity to why high quality drivers cost more, however, there are many drivers available for a low price that can perform very well when used to their best advantage. The best example I can think of is the RS 40-1197. After treating the cone, damping the frame, adding a phase plug and putting it into the proper enclosure it sounds quite remarkable for a relatively cheap driver. Knowing that Visaton has a good reputation for quality drivers I think you'd be able to get a better performance from what you're proposing than your "boom-box". 🙂

Your decision is ok, but be careful, if you want some good sounding box from plans from the net, then go to some of Fostex's drivers, because for Visaton BG-20 i found plans only for Voigt Pipes... my friends make them and said that sounding is ok, but in this moment i made them and really don't know yet... BG-20 is very good, in case that you interest in VoigtPipes go to:
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