Can the boot-loader be flashed into the ATmega328 in some other ways? or only via a working "Uno"?You can purchase an Atmega328 IC with the Arduino boot-loader pre-installed or you can also install it yourself but you will need an Arudino uno to install the boot-loader. So it is recommended to get a Atmega328 with a pre-installed boot-loader.
How to build an Arduino Uno on a BreadBoard - All
Looks like you need some sort of arduino or an atmega328 programmer board
This method worked for me when I ran out of atmega 328s with bootloader for my UNO.
How to Flash Arduino Bootloader without a Programmer - Welldone Blog - FEDEVEL
I had to use the previous version of atmel studio to burn the bootloader, with the latest version I got a message that I had to upgrade FW on the programmer before programming.
How to Flash Arduino Bootloader without a Programmer - Welldone Blog - FEDEVEL
I had to use the previous version of atmel studio to burn the bootloader, with the latest version I got a message that I had to upgrade FW on the programmer before programming.
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