Arcam Delta 70/70.2

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Hi all

I am looking for specs of Arcam delta 70 cd player, the first in line of deltas by Arcam. Was it a lot different from Arcam delta 70.2 as regards the TDA1541A chip, mechanism ( CDM4/ 11 or 31) etc etc? Any help will be greatly appreciated. I can't find the service manual for Delta 70 anywhere.

Many thanks


The Delta 70 is quite different. CDM2 mech (not CDM4 as 70.2)
Only one transformer and different main board. Had tried OPA2107 opamps which were better than standard, I have just put LM4562 opamps in, and the improvement again, is great.
I can send you the service docs if you want.
All the best.
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