Apollo Moon Landings - explain the Technology

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Joined 2002
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I think the concept of 'travel at some speed to get from A to B ' is what the cave man knew about travel ( a 4 dimensional method , x , y , z and T). While there are lots of theories about how advanced methods of getting from A to B ( worm holes ....etc.) are possible , this known concept of physically moving over a ' physical distance at xxx Km and hour ' is probably not how it's done.

It must be multidimensional , and the concept that everything is already 'right there' is not new to us. It's mentioned in our scriptures and used in various old methods of 'healing' and by very hard to get at .....Yogi's! What are these dimensions , I don't know. But I'm convinced they are there. We will understand them, one day ! When we are mentally ready ! Maybe nature protects itself by denying full knowledge to those who might use it to destroy everything. That would mean the mind will not be able to grasp the ' knowledge ' till it is free of all 'negative energy' and that surely is going to take time.;)
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.......traveling back in time just to mess with us :D

Hmmm......! I think they wouldn't bother. Imagine leaving your glass of wine or whiskey or moonkey and going back in time to intecact with a bunch of destructive creatures. Those that will shoot you down as soon as you are visible and then 'investigate later ". Nah..not possible.

An interesting tit bit . I have a classmate from Engineering school who was extremely interested in religion / philosophy etc. Like we all wanted to attain a state of contentment/nirvanah in this life.
So after doing engineering he decided to go and sit with our Yogi's ,tantrik's etc. who are found in plenty in Northern India by the Ganges and further north towards the Himalayas.
He spent 6 months there and tried to befriend many such guys who generally are skinny old people who sit crosslegged all day long and practically don't talk to anyone. But none would indulge in conversation and he discovered that none of them were interested in interacting with the surrounding world. The concept appears to be that if you want to be 'one' with the universe you will find it on your own . If your mind is impure you will not be able to understand it or get anywhere near that state.
So he came back disappointed , got married and has 3 kids ! Nirvanah can come later I guess !:D
The monks don't do much yelling, do they? Also you don't find many peace of mind among lunatics. Wrong comparison, zero points for you.

You obviously watched OFOTCN too many times. Mental health insititutions are not necessarily Bedlam-esque, and not all mentally ill people are ranting pant-wetters. Often they are withdrawn and disconnected - just like the earlier described gurus.

Enough OT...
That's exactly what was going on - I'm very surprised that no one has mentioned it before now.

NASA was founded with with alien technology. Roswell, Area 51, secret science, etc. You heard of them. That's how it all happened. The aliens gave us a hand in space flight, then left it with us. They engineered the 1950-60s space program, got us started on the space shuttle, then split. Left it all up to us.

That's why the shuttle program is coming to a close and there is no real replacement. Why the Russians are still using old technology. No alien help.

The aliens hand picked the German rocket boys for both the US and USSR. They engineered a space program that "seemed" just within the technical capabilities of time, so as to not arouse suspicion. And also to give humans the change to take it over. But we are floundering without their help.

No need to search for UFOs. The fingerprints of aliens are right before our eyes, hiding in plain sight.

Boy that was lost on you:)
No he is saying that unexplained things ie pyramids, aztecs etc were previous advanced human civilisations that dissapeared, one thought is a great flood. Its backed by tons of info that suggests that there was more advanced technology than ours along time ago. Also almost proves that the sphinx is 10k years old, not 3k as modern archeologists claim.
Thing is he looses cred with me when he writes books about the faces on mars and suggests its a cover up.
We need to respect other people's view point.

Since when is that? I have to respect the POV of folks who believe in alien abduction?
That believe in fairies? That count how many angels can dance on a head of a pin?
That believe that only a fuehrer can save mankind?

You are surely kidding, aren't you?
I might have to respect the person, but any POV is open for ridicule - especially if it is supported by absolutely no evidence whatsoever.

Idiocies are not reserved for intellectual nincompoops. There are a lot of "highly intelligent" folks who believe in all kinds of goofy stuff - from "harp" being a mind control thingamujig to homeopathy to "ancient wisdom being superior", to vaccines causing autism, to "Intelligent design" being a "science" to the "moon hoax" conspiracy that has been about as often debunked as the
alien visitation bull and anything that was ever written by the likes of Sitchen, the Swiss Hotelier or any of the goofs that were populating night lines in the good old days, with claims from pyramidal power to faces and cities on mars.
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Remember, we've had 3000 years of contact with alien technology...
You see, those historically in power have had enough contact with aliens...
Probably some poor alien kid's school project.

Originally intended to be titled "An investigation into the psychology of ...", after the results were in it was more like "Give a primitive society a sophisticated piece of technology and see what they can break with it."

Final grade: D- (and two hours detention for cruelty to Terrans)
I don't know about that but the exposure was set such that the stars don't show up. There's no mystery there.

I'll have to say that this thread is exposing some folks on this forum whom I'll never be able to take seriously in the future. Too bad...:(


Are you saying that film has a wide enough latitude to have actually shown stars given the brightness of the foreground??
Are you saying that film has a wide enough latitude to have actually shown stars given the brightness of the foreground??

No. I'm saying that the brightness of the foreground prevents the shutter of the camera from staying open long enough to capture any stars. That is NASA's explanation. The simplistic view of the conspiracy theorists is that the photos are fake because there are no stars in the background sky.

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