Anyone Try/Trying to Quit Smoking (cigaretts) Out There?

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I smoked a pack and a half a day for 25 years. Last september I put on the patch and stopped. Ten weeks later I stopped wearing the patch. It has been almost 6 months and I have yet to feel any cravings, even when I was wearing the patch. Sounds like you've already quit. Now you just have to see it through. Good Luck
Joined 2002
Paid Member
Water. Lots of it.

Whenever you crave, tell yourself - 'I'm thirsty'. That's it, problem solved. I cheated, used Zyban. I guess it worked. First time I quit, I stayed clean for four days. Second time, using Reiki, four months. Trick is actually (I figured out later) to associate the craving as a craving for something else. Water works - it flushes out the toxins like a madman...

Been clean for over one year - don't even count the days now. It's as if I never smoked. I hate smoke now, can't stand being around it. Most of my friends can't figure that part of it out.

Best part is - I actually feel better after I quit - no stress, better sleep, more awake, active, quick thinking...

Smoking sucks...

All the best, Rino. It's not a big deal to give it up. The easier you think it is, the easier it will be.
It's going well...sort of

Yes, actually the cravings are coming less and less everyday. I actually have a little extra money in my pocket as well. Haven't fully quit yet, but I have taken my smoking down to less than an 1/8 of what it used to be (started to quit last Monday, Pack of 25 a day). I'm trying to do the slow down to nothing way, just to see if I can do it. Good thing I have this forum, you guys have been GREAT!

As you all have said, try to break the habbits worst is getting into the car...feel like chewing threw the steering wheel when I try not to smoke then.

Hi Rino - you need to stop "cutting down", and finally go for it. Reducing your smoking is not quitting, and it will lead inevitably back to a pack a day.

I quit on september 2nd, and haven't had single puff since then. I used the nicotine gum for 3 months, then regular gum for a month, and now I'm completely free.
I had tried the gum twice before, and cold turkey a bunch of times - and nothing worked for more than a week. Why? Because I didn't REALLY want to quit. This time I did, so back to the old gum, and surprise - it worked just fine.
And, god, after 6 months without one I can finally see just how much it was effecting my health. I had forgotten what "feeling good" was like.

So, I try to help people who are quitting when I can - but when they tell me they have a cigarette "every now and then", or they "had a relapse" - I don't have much sympathy. They did not really want to quit. If I locked you in a jail cell with no cigarettes, would you die? Of course not. You'd be uncomfortable for a bit, and then it would eventually pass. You need to resign yourself to that discomfort. I can tell you first hand, that you will feel just fine after 3 months.

Good luck! :)
diyAudio Member
Joined 2002
it's a tough "row to hoe"

I quit for 6 months while posted to CFS Alert in the arctic. Two weeks before I was due to go home I fell victim to the "stress of going home and rejoining society" that the millitary shrinks warned us all about. NEEDED A SMOKE! Was the worst mistake of my life, all I achieved by quitting for 5.5 months was I saved a bit of money. It seems that stress was my triger...prety much stress free now..time to "kick the cat" again (no cats will actually be kicked ;) ). Good luck with your quit.. and stay away from stress.

It's an amazing thing to be an addict...when one KNOWS that it'd be so much better to feel healthy...have more energy...(save some money)...perhaps live longer...and while alive,actually use all ones senses to their fullest...people choose!(at first) to smoke.As mr. spock might say,"So illogical and human". Anyway,I wish you well in effort to quit. I'd also encourage you to stop tapering off, when ready,and take to heart the reality that when you DO stop, you will not fool self with idea that a smoke now and then is no big deal. In audio and many other areas of life,there are many shades of gray.This is an area where it's pretty black...or not.
On the patch

Guys, for any of you who are thinking about quitting smoking...try the patch (chewed the gum, not very pleasent). This thing really works, no abnormal behavior... no short temperedness, stress etc. I started it this weekend, and I must say it works! Don't like sleeping with it on though....oh strange dreams, reminds me of when I would try to sleep off a bad buzz (high school daze of course). But other than side effects. Well worth the 30 bucks!

MMMMMmmmmmmm, coffie tastes much better now.

Re: On the patch

Rino odorico said:
Guys, for any of you who are thinking about quitting smoking...try the patch (chewed the gum, not very pleasent). This thing really works, no abnormal behavior... no short temperedness, stress etc. I started it this weekend, and I must say it works! Don't like sleeping with it on though....oh strange dreams, reminds me of when I would try to sleep off a bad buzz (high school daze of course). But other than side effects. Well worth the 30 bucks!

MMMMMmmmmmmm, coffie tastes much better now.


Hi Rino, this guy certainly hasn't!!!! " And no this isn't me".

I hope this is permissable?


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I quit April 8, 1998, no acupuncture, no gums, no patch, no nothing, just the WILL to quit.
I suggest you think "I will quit smoking" while in bed and falling asleep...after approx 6 months of self-suggestion when the first opportunity comes, you will quit just like that...
Must admit that I miss the "other" sometimes :dodgy:
Mr. no-smoke
no smoke, give it away

leading up to last september In the preceeding months I had a series of premonotions, no it wasn,t the anniversary of 9/11, which came and went without a whimper, when I THOUGHT LIKE, one of shakespears titles " much ado about nothing" and then on sept 22nd it hit like a tonne of bricks falling on my square noggin shaking me out of my false complacency... and all the time I thought it was the winter blues,,, A STROKE NO LESS! ALL DUE TO MY SMOKING HABITS talk about burning the candle at both ends, finally my fingers got burned and I ENDED UP IN HOSPITAL FOR 2 MTHS, though I have been out for 3 mths now I didn't touch a cancer stick for the duration of my stay, though latterly I HAVE TAKEN THE ODD PUFF which scares the bejesus out of me lest I START ALL OVER AGAIN:clown: :dead: HELP!:mad: WHAT A GOOSE I AM, I SHOULD KNOW BETTER AS MY SPECIALIST TOLD ME THE NEXT ONE I HAVE WILL BE MY LAST:goodbad: ( STROKE THAT IS!):smash: :Ouch: ANYHOW as the old ads used to say have another WINFIELD:bawling: GUTLESS THATS WHAT I AM NO INTERNAL FORTITUDE:dodgy: CHEERS,

People who started smoking more than 20 years ago,didn't know the dangers.
But anyone who starts smoking nowadays is stupid,and also they are selfish,because anyone around them breathes in their filth.
I never want to smoke and i can't because i've got Asthma.
I don't care if someone wants to ruin their lungs and throat,thats their problem,but when they smoke in no smoking places,or places where not many smokers are around,people find it irritating,smelly,and awful.And Even worse for me.because i've got Asthma,cigarrette smoke makes me cough and wheeze.
And then i'm wheezing a week later,because some selfish person smokes right by me.
And people who thought it was cool just because of peer pressure,are immiture.
People should make their own decision,not copy others like sheep.
Done with that filthy habbit!!!!!!

Hey all, just wanted to drop a line and say thanks to all who have replied to my original post! Been clean for almost a month now and feeling great about it! Worst thing I have ever done in my life was to start stupid.

For anyone who was thinking about quiting...try the patch, it really does work.

And I don't stink anymore (from the smoke:>)...just a hint, women like that as I have found out :>)

This may sound silly (if it does, I don't care) but this site has actually helped me in my efforts. With all of your positive encouragements and well wishes, I guess subconsiously it helped....THANKS TO ALL!!!!

Going to a resturant is a wonderfull thing...."Smoking or Non-Smoking sir". "Non-Smoking please"

Rino Odorico
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