Anyone try these new tweeters yet from Transducer Lab ?

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That's enough to make me not ever purchase any. Who knows if it was the good lord who told them how to make it rather than solid engineering.

Yep. Guy at Virtual Dynamics told the world that Jesus appeared in a dream and told him to solder magnetis in-line.... on powercords :rolleyes:

Believe what you want but keep god out of the business of making dangerous or underdesigned products.

That said, the tweeters under discussion look nice.

According to the article I linked, zobels are CR filters in speakers, and LCR can also be considered zobels in other electronic circuits.

Before this thread, I always referred to LCR's as 'conjugate networks', as outlined in a book I read by Ray Alden, but LCR explains it better. The CR was labeled as a Zobel, but not the LCR.

LCR shunts are not commonly known as zobels, nor are they typically referred to as such. If they were both zobels, people would have trouble telling them apart in terms of design.

Best regards,
diyAudio Moderator
Joined 2008
Paid Member
Now, I don't know if there might be something "wrong" with calling it a Zobel, but at least it seems that's what it's most commonly called,

A zobel network is a network designed to make another (such as a speaker) look resistive. It is used in parallel so as to only modify the impedance.

For all intents and purposes, a practical zobel on a typical driver would have five components ie: the inductive rise compensation, and the series bandpass shunted across the resonance peak. Some drivers (eg horns) might need more than five, although a zobel is not always used/required.

A zobel could also be implemented across a system, typically aiming to flatten the peak that a crossover causes.
Their web pages explicitly said (and still says) "Glass voice coil" for one of their products.

I realize that but you weren't born yesterday and the headline does say GF.

That's all I was pointing out.

Cheers. :)


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So, no one has tried any? ( the original question) Web site aside, the specs look very good. The few products I have seen listed for sale were sold out. The most intriguing products are not yet in production. I guess we wait. Depending on when I can ever finish up my budget build, if one can actually buy them, I may for my next go. Could be a nice match to the Santori woofer.
This is one company that, based on their website, I would never consider doing business with.

One of the rules I've learned in life is that if someone doesn't have the intellectual capacity and moral rigor to separate business from religion when the inclusion of religion is gratuitous, then they're probably using the religion part as a smokescreen for some major flaw in their business ethics.

There's a relevant and material difference between following religious practices personally, such closing one's business on a given day because one interprets one's faith to demand such, answering with religious information when asked why one's wearing a hejab/kippah/dastar in a business context, etc., and clouding up a business website with gratuitous references to religion such as one finds in the first sentence of text on the Transducer Labs website.
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This is one company that, based on their website, I would never consider doing business with.

One of the rules I've learned in life is that if someone doesn't have the intellectual capacity and moral rigor to separate business from religion when the inclusion of religion is gratuitous, then they're probably using the religion part as a smokescreen for some major flaw in their business ethics.

There's a relevant and material difference between following religious practices personally, such closing one's business on a given day because one interprets one's faith to demand such, answering with religious information when asked why one's wearing a hejab/kippah/dastar in a business context, etc., and clouding up a business website with gratuitous references to religion such as one finds in the first sentence of text on the Transducer Labs website.

Any further discussion on this point would cross the FORUM boundaries.

What we are wondering about is the quality of their tweeters and if they are able to deliver them. I would purchase through Meniscus as they are a known company.
DanN. From the PE Forum built a speaker called the Echelons using the Transducer Labs N26C A with the square faceplate.
Here is a link to his build thread. Introducing: Echelon

The N26C IMO is an outstanding tweeter. I'm not sure you could do better for the money. Dan sent them to me to design the waveguide he uses in the build in the link above. They are a very heavy tweeter but also the ceramic dome is very fragile.

Here is a link to some measurements I took when I made the guide for Dan. It shows flat baffle and waveguide measurements. Plus some other plots.

From my understanding Eugene is the soul owner of the company and from my emails back and forth is a very nice person. He does sign his name along with a religious quote but honestly it doesn't bother me.

Any further discussion on this point would cross the FORUM boundaries.

The quality of judgment exhibited by a drive-unit supplier on its public website is surely fair game for comment, no?

With Danley Sound Labs, the holy roller stuff at least has a plausible business purpose: one of their target markets is the evangelical megachurches. They also don't have religious propaganda as the first complete sentence on their website. With their new design, one has to click through a few links to get to the religious material. Before, it was IIRC more prominent but not the first thing one learns about the firm upon visiting their website.

Here, what's a remotely plausible (non scam) business purpose for entwining tweeters and religion?
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The quality of judgment exhibited by a drive-unit supplier on its public website is surely fair game for comment, no?

With Danley Sound Labs, the holy roller stuff at least has a plausible business purpose: one of their target markets is the evangelical megachurches. They also don't have religious propaganda as the first complete sentence on their website. With their new design, one has to click through a few links to get to the religious material. Before, it was IIRC more prominent but not the first thing one learns about the firm upon visiting their website.

Here, what's a remotely plausible (non scam) business purpose for entwining tweeters and religion?

Having trouble figuring out what this has to do with the quality of the tweeter. We could just be adults and shrug it off if we don't agree with it.
Having trouble figuring out what this has to do with the quality of the tweeter.

What tweeter? They don't seem to actually exist right now. Their old ones are sold out, and the new ones are not yet available.

Another reason why the conscious front-and-center placement of gratuitous religious statements on a business website is highly suspect. Wearing a religion on one's sleeve in business is a tactic often employed by less than ethical businesspeople. Truly pious businesspeople (regardless of faith tradition) tend not to use their business websites as a megaphone for their beliefs.
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Apparently parts are having to be remanufactured due to mistakes in production and is why they are not currently available. These tooling changes are the reason for the delays. Yes- Eugen is the current sole-proprietor, but his brother will be managing it after the new year. Eugen will be a consultant post new-year.

I have been informed tentatively that February is when the units will be coming back into stock. This includes round-face models, the Kevlar and Alumina models, and apparently at least the Magnesium units too.

I'm really looking forward to it!
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