Anyone know who can repair tonearm near New Mexico region?

Thank you. Just double check. Is ABQ specialised in fixing analog device such as Tonearm? I just googled and they seem like audio retailer instead of servicing audio gears.

You are right- Listen Up is a business that sells audio gear. They can help you with setting up a turntable, not sure that they can repair a tonearm?

I'm in Albuquerque, NM and could possibly help if you give me more information, photos.
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You are right- Listen Up is a business that sells audio gear. They can help you with setting up a turntable, not sure that they can repair a tonearm?

I'm in Albuquerque, NM and could possibly help if you give me more information, photos.

Thank you. I actually sold the tonearm to another person in NM and he reported the issue hence I was looking for a person or shop who can repair it for new owner if possible.

Here is the short video clip. He says that tonearm is meant to up and down freely but it does not.

There is a large community of people up in the Santa Fe, NM area who are into opera music and consider themselves audiophile. I have heard of the Gestal HiFi, but I have never visited the business. Nor do I know anyone who has. Maybe it's because I'm more of a DIY person who prefers the journey as much or more than the actual experience. I consider myself an audiophile and music lover, but only wore a tuxedo once in my life (when I got married), and prefer beer over wine, though I used to make both.

Yes, I could help your turntable buyer fix his tonearm. PM me and you can give him my contact information.
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There is a large community of people up in the Santa Fe, NM area who are into opera music and consider themselves audiophile. I have heard of the Gestal HiFi, but I have never visited the business. Nor do I know anyone who has. Maybe it's because I'm more of a DIY person who prefers the journey as much or more than the actual experience. I consider myself an audiophile and music lover, but only wore a tuxedo once in my life (when I got married), and prefer beer over wine, though I used to make both.

Yes, I could help your turntable buyer fix his tonearm. PM me and you can give him my contact information.

Thank you very much and just PMed.