Anyone know Tannoy MX2 specifications ?

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hi i just have a pair of tannoy mx2's, i have ripped the passive x/o out, and i am biamping them with some gainclones and behringer digital x/o

just wondering if anyone knows the x/o point on these speakers and how many db of attenuation the tweeter has

i got a room response plot with the speaker and dssf3 and didnt see any major dips in the response around 4-5k

i will post the freq response graph up later as well as pics of the x/o if that helps

regards keegan
I'm just a beginner with cross-overs, but it seems to me that an examination of the cross-over would yield both the XO frequency and the types of high-pass and low-pass filters. I'm sure you can compare your findings with standard topologies on the Web and reverse engineer the specs.

I've got the manufacturer specs somewhere here in a catalogue, will get back to you.

What about doing a hand drawing of that crossover?

I had a pair of mX3. Lived with it for about a year, but could never listen to it for extended periods. The upper treble tend to be a bit peaky, and I think there wasn't enough baffle step compensation.

Probably intended for close to wall placement, but it imaging suffered when I did this...
thanks alot for your responses guys, there is a dip placed around 2.8k, which makes perfect sense, just in my speaker building practices that seemed a tad low 🙂

i have built plenty of x/o in my days and circuit tracing seems logical but many commercial crossover designs use not only curves matched for the drivers but zobel networks etc, making tracing a bit harder than expetced (i tried)

i did a frequency sweep with dssf3 with the passive x/o and then one biamped with the behringer digital x/o i will post these up later for anyone who is interested

but i must confess biamped, with a 48db buttersworth x/o, digital time alignment and a slight EQ on the lower end they are sounding mighty sweet

I just bought a pair of Tannoy MX2-M. I plan to use an active crossover and biamp them. I wonder, did you have any difficulty opening them and removing the passive network? Any tips you can give me on this procedure?

Opening them up is dead easy. You can remove the X/0 board from the plastic backing plate and there is enough internal wire to solder straight to the binding posts

I took it one step further. I Managed to fit 2x lm1875 chip amps internally and have a 5 pin xlr for the signal (balanced tweeter + woofer) and a nuetrix connector for the power from aircraft batteries(+/- 28v dc)

I drive these with the behringer dcx2496 crossover which i highly recommend. X/0 is buttersworth 3rd order @ 2.5 k with a 0.20ms delay on the tweeter

best of luck !
Thank you for the help. It´s fortunate that I can leave the drivers untouched, and only unscrew the back plate.

BTW, it´s a very nice setup that you´ve put together. Nice idea the 28V batteries. I did some work in aircraft maintenance myself, but I don´t think I would have been able to get a pair of those...

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