Another Opamp selection thread...

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having just spent, well, today reading and searching here I'm still none the wiser.
I'm considering which IC opamps to use in a couple of applications but the information I seek seems to be buried beneath the usual seperation of opinion and Ic/discrete debates.

So, can anyone give me a direct recommendation. I'm looking for suitable amps for virtual earth mixer stages and filter (sk unity gain) buffers. In both these applications it seems fet input amps may serve me better and be simpler to design around, something that's important to me as I have limited experience.

I was thinking of the OPA2134 as its not overly expensive, but during my search came across many negative comments about dry sound quality. Some reports were of excellent HF but muddy bottom end..perhaps 2134 in HF signal path and humble TL072s for lower bands?
Hi jethdub,

I am awaiting my shipment of two op2134's for my digitally controlled center frequency Low Pass filter circuit. I will be watching this thread and hoping that what you said about the bottom end being muddy is incorrect! :xeye:

I decided on using the op2134 because it was said to be good in using for crossover circuits. Like you I have read many "opinions" and still am none the wiser until I actually build the circuit and listen.
yes, my problem is that I'm in a location where a wide selection of parts is not available and the economy is weak so my budget for ordering in from outside is limited. This makes experimenting and listening to a variety of opamps in the circuit out of the question..
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