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For Sale Amplifier modules from Arcam and TAG McLaren

Things you have for sale.
Have some spares for sale, those are NOS and have some nice parts inside- Noratel audio transformers, good heatsinks, someone in need of an easy amp solution can save some time.

1.Tag McLaren 10x5r modules, NOS from a repair shop 100euro each, 7pcs. 600euro for all.

2.Arcam P7 modules, 2pcs. plus one for spares with a switch missing . 150euro for all three
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Reactions: abanico
Thanks for the quick response. I have a USA model 115Volt 100x3R version which I was looking to add a couple of modules to upgrade. I will see if there is a way I can use the 230V modules.

Also, I believe you are in Bulgaria. I am in Australia. Would you be willing to arrange shipping?
