I have an AMP10 that I built some time ago. I frequently get these pops I touch the side of the case and rather infrequently there is a very loud pop and the volume level goes through the roof while the sound is quite distorted.
Anyway, determined to get to the root of the problem, I went to the 41Hz to get the instructions again - I built the thing 2+ yrs. ago - only to find that it and the forums are down.
Can anyone supply me with the instructions and maybe give me an indication of where I can start hunting down the problem?
Anyway, determined to get to the root of the problem, I went to the 41Hz to get the instructions again - I built the thing 2+ yrs. ago - only to find that it and the forums are down.
Can anyone supply me with the instructions and maybe give me an indication of where I can start hunting down the problem?
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