amp recommendation for Kicker Compvr

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I have a Kicker cvr 10", its a great sub for what I want it to do, produce bass ha. Anyways, I had a autotek meanmachine from back in the day. I was told it was a cheater amp. As it said or was rated for 50 watts by 2 channels in a 8 ohm load, but when bridged it produced a hell lot of watts into a 2 ohm load. The version of the cvr 10" I have is the 2 ohm dual voice coil. I have been given a few recommendations in the past but nothing I could wrap my head around. I would still be using the autotek, but when the power connectors started to melt I thought it was time to toss it. What do you all think would be best.

All so why I am hear is there any good reads on how to properly setup my system such as setting gain, and output from the receiver. I have a MTX Thunder for my mids, and will once have a amp with the 10" sub. I am looking at getting the most from my system, such that I can crank it up and not damage anything, but have it loud and clear.

Thanks in advance.
have you already tossed the mean machine? what is the rest of your setup?
vehicle, head unit, and budget?
how are your mids performing as-is?
what kind of sound would you like to achieve?

you can go either sealed or ported. i've run the compvr in both. one bennefit to ported, is that you can smell when you are pushing the crapton coil to hard, lol, but it does well either way.
I have a Alpine cda-9884 for a head unit,
pre outs for a sub. Pre outs to a MTX Thunder pushing about 45 watts continuous, pushing Kicker KS600, all in a 01' Jeep Cherokee. I think the mids sound ok but could be pushed more with some fine tuning. I like all kinds of music, mainly heavy metal when I am driving, but sometimes listen to hip-hop, along with others. I have a sealed box all ready, which I think works ok. Yes I tossed the Mean Machine before I ever came across this forum. I really don't want to spend more then 200.00.
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