America The Beautiful.....

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I heard a congresswoman talk about DBT on Channel 7 ABC (NYc) the show was tell it liek it is which airs on early sunday mornings.she also talked about "operation blackwood" im sorry i dont remember the exact name... but any ways i think bush is the worst thing to happen to the U.S since....his Phag daddy (no offence to gay ppl 🙂 )

there are so many BS going on in america that its ridiculous, well as long as we have our DVDs and gas abusing cars( lets not 4get super fast internet) and our patriotic matrixes...and Xmen's..i guess no one really cares...oh yeah i rememebr now its operation NORTHWOOD! when the US wanted to stage a terrorist act on OUR OWN college kids..look it up on yahoo you will find some info there.

how can we save AMERICA? ...CAN we save america
I hopes this gives us something to think about.


Im sharing a movie that has evidence that bush stole the election..i know this is an old topic but that doesnt mean it isnt a true one...our so called president is a racist and thief. to download the movie you must have edonkey2000/eMule or a similiar client. the quality inst to great but the info is.

Get into politics and make a difference?

Whatever you do, vote.
I can't believe that so many USians don't bother.

But don't stress too much, things have been worse in the past. I dislike the "climate of fear" that your govt seems to be intent on whipping up, that sucks.

Stick with your constitution and learn some history... In the end the good guys usually win 🙂
ShiFtY said:
Get into politics and make a difference?

Whatever you do, vote.

Stick with your constitution and learn some history... In the end the good guys usually win 🙂

well 22,000 Black people voted and were WIPED clean off the ballot. and 58,000 innocent black people where being considered removed from voting on false inclination that they were crimminals... sure vote...wh7 not....🙂

get into politics? never! lol there is corruption form left to right...never trust a politician...

the good guys usually win>? so that means the 9/11 terrorist were good guys cuz they won. Bin laden is in a cave somewhere sippin Moet while U.S soldier risk their lives for Oil in Iraq.

Life isnt a movie the good guys dont always win...they want you to belive that so yuo can keep hope, and trust the govt more
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