Alpair12 Bookshelf Options

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Wow that is quite the review Zia! Thank you very much for not only taking the time to expirament with this box but also to take the time and give your thoughts! It does seem like this may be a viable option for me, depending on how my La Scalas fare. I can't remember, have you posted pics of these bad boys?

Scott (non-moose)

No worries, and thanks for replying.

Enjoying the system very much as it is now - plenty of low level detail. Btw, you're right on the euphonic distortion part - it's not much use kidding oneself, but most of us have our own fix(es) when it comes to that, and all will cry out that it is more "natural" sounding. :)

I'll look up the Auspurger paper - it'll be interesting to read about his expereinces. Stuffing amount and material has been a bugbear for me, and I'm shying away from TL types in fear.:eek: But with the Alp 12P now out and MAOP hopefully on the horizon, another Pensil is not altogether out of the question!

Scott (Skeeter99)

Thanks and experimenting was fun, plus a learning process. I took some pics, but can't find the camera now - will post 'em when I find 'em. The boxes are well proportioned and should be impressive when they are finished.

And what about the La Scalas? How are they faring?

- Zia
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I've been busy working to pay the bills and am about to embark on an interesting project which will call me away from how for 3 session of 3 weeks duration between now and winter.

You can read about it here:

Fort Severn First Nation works to save fleet of historic canoes - Canada - CBC News

I'm at the point where I need to do the final polishing of the molds for making my globes. I am out of fiberglass for making the laminate but that is on its way. Once I have the globes made then I can make the stand and cabinet.

I am a little behind on this as I am catching up on a project that I started for my wife, I'm about half way through making her a viola da gamba that I promised and started a long time ago.


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Thanks, but its not a violin!

Sorry, my bad - it is viola da gamba aka "Viol" ? From Wikipedia:

The viol (also known as the viola da gamba) is any one of a family of bowed, fretted and stringedmusical instruments developed in the mid-late 15th century and used primarily in the Renaissance and Baroque periods. The viol family is related to and descends primarily from the Renaissance vihuela, a plucked instrument that preceded the guitar. Viols are different in several respects from instruments of the violin family.

Learned something new today!
Yes, my wife plays, but right now its only cello and piano. She's really looking forward to this one being done. This is a bass viol, more or less equivalent to the cello in range.

Here is some of the carving along the back of the peghead.

The next instrument down in range is the double bass. Ever wondered why it was called that? This is why.

There is a resurgence in the viol. A couple of notable musicians on the viola da gamba (viol of the leg as a opposed to viola da mana-viol of the hand) are Jordi Savall and Paolo Pandolfo.

Viols developed from the vihuela while the violin family of instruments came from the fiddle.


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Dunno. Possibly, I'll have to check when I get chance. Don't hold your breath though; I'm having to manage my time fairly carefully at the moment (viz. I don't have a heck of a lot of it. :bawling:) I seem to recall checking a while back & suspecting the design would need reworking, but don't hold me to that either. My mind is full of armour protective schemes at the moment rather than audio.
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