Alpair12 Bookshelf Options

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that's OK, keep 'em there - out of curiosity I counted speakers the other night - 8 finished pairs sitting unused in my "man-cave", plus the 5.1 HT system and another pair upstairs

BTW, not a single multi-way in the bunch

and at Dave's place - well, he'd have to be able to see them to count them, and that's often a challenge

No worries, just thought I'd offer.

I've been there too, its fun! I'm a bit short on speakers right now, only 4 pairs plus the ones I'm getting tomorrow. Used to have a lot more before we moved.

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and at Dave's place - well, he'd have to be able to see them to count them, and that's often a challenge

I can see 4 pair (+ stealthWoofers) from the laptop (down a pair that are headed up to AlertBay). at least a dozen pair downstairs, including some 2-ways. We've done a good job of reducing the head count of late.

... and my wife has a pair in her gallery, and there are the loaners...

Scott, Dave,

Just finished building the CGR Mar-Ken12 earlier today. Initial listening impressions say that I like it better than the A12 DBR (aka Studio Reference Monitors). The bass is there, but tighter, more well defined. The mid-range is probably more open and distinct. Not too surprised here - the P10 Kens have proved to be winners before. :)

Thanks Dave for sharing the CGR design with the DIY community.

For future revisions of Alp 12 (A12P and MAOP), look forward to some really cool Mar-Ken12 designs!

Very cool Zia! You've really built a lot of designs this last year! I'm still half way through my double TB 881si build that is just sitting in the garage waiting for sanding and paint. Thanks for building these, makes it an easier choice if/when I actually do get down to brass tax and start the next project :)

Right. There won't be any more DBRs.

Too bad. Nice units. Anyone choosing to try these will not be sad for the effort.

Here are mine, some of the few in the world, apparently.


  • 065.JPG
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Oooh. That's pretty. Thanks for sharing. And glad you're enjoying. :)

Very few I suspect; they just didn't catch on. I do have a couple on the drawing board for the new A12P; a standmount & a rather more ambitious floorstander, but I don't think there will be sufficient interest to justify finalising them.
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Thanks Scott.

For better or worse, the cabinets have been retired from service as I've migrated the drivers over to Mar-Ken 12 octagon cabinets for my Clairtone Project G recreation. I needed cabinets that would fit within an 18" diameter globe. I built these as a reference. Its a shame that they never caught on, I liked them quite a lot.

The cabinets are soon to be returned to service, though, as a friend of mine would like them.
Oooh. That's pretty.

Yep, Douglas's work is good! I built my one mainly inspired by him and in search of bass (which I got plenty). :)

Very few I suspect; they just didn't catch on. I do have a couple on the drawing board for the new A12P; a standmount & a rather more ambitious floorstander, but I don't think there will be sufficient interest to justify finalising them.

3 builds that I know of from diyaudio forum members (including mine). For the floorstander what would be the differences vs the new Pensil?
Experiments with stuffing

Got the A12 in the DBR aka Studio Reference Monitor cabinets again -this time with some acoustuff/dacron polyfill, as advised by the designer:

Brief description of my experiences:

1. Too much dense polyfill (~50% volume) in the upper chamber - kills the "life" of the driver - not fun or inspiring to listen too.

2. Fluffy/lower density dacron - ~50% stuff causes more vocal shout and treble becomes brighter - possibly driver backwave bouncing back?

3. Best results - 2 fistfulls of acoustastuff (slightly teased) in lower chambers, 3-4 fistfuls of same stuff placed in the upper chamber near the back panel - open sounding (not too shouty) and controlled LF.

Also found that the speakers seemed less susceptible to change of interconnects with the stuffing inside. Also switched from Hypex UcD to HifimeDIY T4 (Tripath Tk2050). This amp is slightly leaner and a bit harsher on the top - tends to make the drivers sound more metallic - a tube amp does the best in making them sweeter sounding. With the current config I am finding the T4 more suitable than the Hypex. The low end is controlled and punchy (would like a bit more kick, but maybe that is expecting too much from a 6.5 inch FR unit in a BR box), and mid and top end is very detailed. The sound stage is less expansive vs the Hypex though, but not bad. My Source is an Asus Xonar STX - which sounds kind of Hyper detailed to me (good and bad :)), but the alternative with me is another Asus Xonar (cheaper 7.1 card), so feeling lazy to switch.

Have played a few genres, the speakers are doing a decent job. Diana Krall in particular was pretty nice, subtle bass notes, and the nuances of her voice coming through - need to give another listen this evening. On the other end of the spectrum, electronic music (mainly progressive house) was good too (I listen at moderate levels: ~75dB or lower, so not much chances of inducing over excursion in any way). Test tones indicate output from 40Hz and sounds realtively even over the range (sorry, no measurements :)).

I dare not listen to metal, rock yet - don't want to spoil the fun. With the A12's tendency to bring out detail and it's neutral tonal balance, I am guessing it won't be too much fun listening to AC/DC or Carcass (without some sort of equalization).

This is looking like more like a long term home for the drivers, unless Scott (Scottmoose!) has some "B-side" treasure designs for the A12 that he might have come up in the meantime.

- Zia
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Apologies, didn't see the past couple of posts until today.

-Over-damping can appear to 'suck the life' out of a wideband drive unit for a few reasons. If you go to excessive levels, the high acoustic load can actually deform the cone slightly under dynamic conditions, thus affecting the resonant behaviour of the cone (i.e. the mids & HF). Also, I'm not alone in suspecting that while many people demand accuracy, when it comes to listening, many prefer a degree of euphonic distortion in xyz forms, be it harmonics, a slight degree of underdamping at Fb etc.

-Possibly, although you'd need a fair quantity / density to get severe reflections. The above is more likely on that score. All materials behave slightly differently however -see Augspurger's TL paper for more, where he measured a few different types.
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