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Air Core Inductors, Custom Made

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I have for sale air core inductors, perfect layer wound, 15 gauge (1.45 mm) in any value you need from 0 ~ 3 mH, including specific requested values. 2% accuracy. Highest quality without exotic price.

Can ship to Americas and Europe.

PM me if interested.
received new inductors

Hi uzernaam,

I received the custom value inductors that I ordered from you.

They are great! These are better than I expected, especially for the price.
You should be able to sell allot of these since you are charging similar pricing to the average non-perfect lay air core inductors like they sell at Madisound and Parts Express. Getting perfect lay wind and custom values is a plus for me.

I will not hesitate to order more when my next speaker project rolls around.

Thanks for such a great product at a reasonable price. 🙂

Norris Wilson
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