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AIKIDO Glassware Preamp

To the point. I have a Glassware Aikido preamp that I have decided to sell for $500. Free shipping within lower 48 states. The unit was built with the following:
1) Manley Labs RCA jacks
2) All silver plated copper wiring.
3) Obbligato copper output caps 600V
4) Special connections to allow tube access to be easier for the owner
5) Glassware PS-21 Power supply made for this application
6) Quality Hammond chassis.


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A little correction. What comes with the unit are ECC86. Yes, other tubes can be substituted such as 6GM8 OR 6N27P. It is also worthwhile to note that the Aikido can also be rewired for other voltage tube operation, and of course that could employ a whole slew of other tubes such as 12AT7, 12AU7, 12AV7, 12AX7, 12BH7, 12DJ8, 12FQ7, 5751, 5963, 5965, 6072, 6922, AND IT GOES ON. I am no genius about all this and know that this manual provides adequate description needed to use whatever tube is chosen in the list. I would have answered sooner but was distracted by todays mailing.
This will keep me busy for the next project:


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Oh boy, Broskie gets into detail in the manual! Final gain depends on a bunch of stuff. So, given the example that he states which is an Aikido using say a 6CG7 INPUT tube and a 6DJ8 OUTPUT tube, driven with a 300 volt plate current, 19.75dB is realized. There is a whole chart of possibilities in the manual. Sorry I can't really explain it well since I don't understand much of it myself, but in a word, it depends.

Well, I did get curious about this and studied the chart. AT 24v, using an ECC86 (6GM8 or 6N27P) set of tubes, I am seeing 16.8 dB of gain. As a comparison, if the unit were rewired for 300v and a 6DJ8 tube were used, the final gain would be at 23 dB.

So to answer your question, with the tubes provided, there is 16.8 dB of gain. But don't quote me on that;)
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Holy Crap Batman! You are correct. My mistake here. I apologize for that. I was thinking/confusing this build with my Glassware phono build. Yikes. Thank you for pointing this out.
Folks, the good news here is that the AMB Labs Sigma 11 is a very good product as well. When I build something more than worth owning, I make sure that the build is good from one end to the other. Skimping on a power supply is a pretty bad decision to start with, and I tend to go the other way.
It is not my most beautiful build, that's for sure, but it was saved from being permanently retired because of its sound. Then to make it more user friendly, I had to rewire everything and install the 6 pin jacks inside so that tubes could be more easily accessed.
When hooking it back up to my system, I must admit that I was tempted to keep it, but so little time, and no more room.
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