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AER Mk1 Full Range Drivers + Enclosures

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The drivers have about 50 hours on them, they've spent the last 4 years or so in their original boxes. Bought for a Hedlund Horn project that was abandoned due to space constraints.

Drivers: AER via BD-Designs.
MK 1

Have Lowther Phase plugs installed.
Images of actual drivers, they are pristine:
Index of /driver

Enclosures: Black, ordered without grilles, ready for drivers:

Have original boxes for all items.
Have LAUD measurements for drivers.

$1500 + insurance & shipping, reasonable offers considered.
Will deliver or meet within 250 miles of 32751.
Visa/MC/Paypal/Money Order only.
AER Update from BD-Design

These drivers are a mix of AER and a Lowther DX3 magnet (guessing 8 to 10
years old by now). Primarily configured for use in front loaded horns like
the Oris horns in which they will sound most balanced.

I see you are using David Dick's reflex enclosure from which I expect a
overly bright sound if not positioned on a shelf or corner (for more body
and weight) and listening 15-20 degrees off-axis (less bright and more even
frequency response).


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