Brief History, skip to next paragraph for real question: I started a small business in a college town selling Tannoy and Klipsch in the 80s. Also worked in a stadium as tech director, lot of experience changing out old horn aluminum diaphrams 🙂. Once I heard the Tannoy DCs I never looked back. My next company purchased a large order of Tannoys to open a dealership in the late 80s. Many boxes have come and gone (System 6/8/10, Ellipses, DMT10) but I have kept the CPA-15s to this day. I have them on monoblocks and have them as my main LR channels. I currently have a set of Arena Center Channels I have collected as my surrounds. I have purchased a used CPA-15 for my center channel. The box was not packed well and the main magnet assembly was cracked all around, common shipping failure. Crossover was also destroyed but I have a good one to replace it with from another CPA.
I am having trouble finding a 3836 driver. I can find a 3828 but I am concerned that it will color the mix. My preference is a 3836/3833 but what other good options would there be? Suggestions?
I am having trouble finding a 3836 driver. I can find a 3828 but I am concerned that it will color the mix. My preference is a 3836/3833 but what other good options would there be? Suggestions?
No clue and while there's some Tannoy folks here, might want to check out this group too: | Home
Not getting any engagement on the Tannoy forum, their focus appears to be pre 1980 speakers. My mid to late 80s don't seem to get them excited. Bumping this one more time in hopes someone has ideas here.
would you be willing to buy a Tannoy 3833gg, never used drive units, sitting in a cardboard box?
would you be willing to buy a Tannoy 3833gg, never used drive units, sitting in a cardboard box?
Absolutely. PM me on details. I have friends that go back and forth to Croatia and Bosnia regularly.
Not getting any engagement on the Tannoy forum, their focus appears to be pre 1980 speakers. My mid to late 80s don't seem to get them excited. Bumping this one more time in hopes someone has ideas here.
Bummer, still 'lost in the mists of time' then. 🙁 Oh well, looks like you got a bonus here though!
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