Advice for driver

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Hi all,

To replace FE126eN, I'm looking for 4 fullrange drivers for use 150 hz to 10000 hz (or more, but without tweeter),
Sd between 80 and 110 cm°,
spl 88 to 95,
paper cone,
phase plug,
Mms as low as possible,
inverted surround ,
Re above 5 ohm

The Alpair 10P immediately suggests itself since it has all of those apart from a phase plug: the dust cap is functional (and phase plugs are not automatically advantageous -it depends on the design). Off-hand, I can't think of anything that matches what you want so closely.

A few others, which have some, but not all, of your specified requirements:
FE168ESigma is a whisker larger (113cm^2) and has a UDR surround rather than an inverted.
-Tang Band W5-1880, assuming you can find some, has a roll surround
-W5-1611 has a poly. cone.
-PRV 5MR450NDY -no phase plug, can't get as low as you want, roll surround
-Vifa NE149W -no phase-plug & they didn't really intend it to be run flat out.
-Seas CA15RLY -no phase plug, roll surround
-Seas W15LY001 -roll surround
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The Alpair 10P immediately suggests itself since it has all of those apart from a phase plug: the dust cap is functional (and phase plugs are not automatically advantageous -it depends on the design). Off-hand, I can't think of anything that matches what you want so closely.

Yes, Alpair 10P, how does it sounds ?
What is material of dust cap ?
If I can found a W5 1611 SA with paper cone, I bought it without thinking !
Great driver, but not enough "natural" sound, because of pp cone.
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Yes, Alpair 10P, how does it sounds ?
What is material of dust cap ?
If I can found a W5 1611 SA with paper cone, I bought it without thinking !
Great driver, but not enough "natural" sound, because of pp cone.

Cone & shaped dust cap are paper - inverted surround is synthetic rubber type

They sound quite nice - I'm running a trio of them as front row in my 5.1 HT system, XO'd at 110 or so. I find no need for tweeters - but those with 40yr younger ears might differ?
try to make them sound bad :D

I've heard the 7.3 in probably a dozen enclosures from desk top mini-monitors, to 6ft tall double mouth Olson manifolds (Maeshowe)

If you have the space, I'd recommend the larger enclosures - note he FH3's footprint, and requirement for some "breathing room" - but for most compact footprint /flexibility of placement and bang for the buck, I think it's hard to be the Pensil. I've lived extensively with both, and for my domestic situation, the smaller enclosure always wins the WAF test

Of course, once you add supporting woofers, whether in a HT type array, or a "FAST" audio only system, the limitations of LF extension usually a result of smaller enclosures becomes moot.
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Couple questions... I'm going from 8 inch full range drivers(PS220&AN classic) in a BR box 10x10square 32 h... To a 4inch full range driver, what some changed to expect??. I'm using a Dayens Ampino. Any experience out there with that beautiful piece of SS... driver change to Mark Audio Alpair 7a.3

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